Can't connect to my server. (while using a specific gamemode)

[15:52:22] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.DL-R1 {FFFFFF}Started
[15:52:25] Connecting to
[15:52:26] Connected. Joining the game...
[15:53:28] Server closed the connection.

samp-server.exe: Kicking because they didn't logon the game.

yesterday it worked just fine and now this shit happens, I turned my computer off right after i finished scripting & testing yesterday and when I logged today the issue started

and no I didn't forget to compile before I shutted down my pc

Check your script for the line which says "kicking %s because they didn't logon the game."?

Seems more like a script feature to me.

samp-server.exe: Kicking because they didn't logon the game.

Maybe Login problem in your script. Check you script or use Crashdetect.

Originally Posted by UFF
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samp-server.exe: Kicking because they didn't logon the game.

Maybe Login problem in your script. Check you script or use Crashdetect.
i tried once to install crashdetect but i didn't understand how to do it

you sure the server and client is the same samp version?

Originally Posted by rfr
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you sure the server and client is the same samp version?

like ritzy said search for "didn't logon the game" in your gamemode and give us the code for that

"Kicking x.x.x.x because they didn't logon the game." is a SAMP sided message...
Probably you have an infinity loop or a code which take too much time to run. Comment part by part your code and do some tests.

Sorry, didn't knew this was SA-MP feature.

Anyway, I did a simple ****** search for you. Apparently, because you couldn't, and here's what I found.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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No other server has reported this. At least, not yet.

The 'Kicking {} because they didn't logon to the game.' message is normal. It means the client is too slow to connect and probably has a high amount of packet loss. In previous versions of the SA-MP server, the same problem could happen, although the player would eventually just have to quit and try reconnecting.

Are you sure there aren't external factors causing this problem? There could some type of packet filtering in the firewall. The physical server which hosts the game server could be under attack.

You can PM me a bigger server log if you like. If most servers work fine and there are problems like this, it usually turns out that it's not caused by SA-MP.
But, again I'm 99 percent sure an infinite loop is causing that issue. (Like Dayrion said.)

Wait for the player to fully connect before executing functions like Streamer_UpdateEx (which can cause this issue if there are (for example) a lot of textured objects).
Check for infinite or very long loops in OnPlayerConnect, or other code that can hang the server for a bit (non-threaded (My)SQL queries or file writes/reads).

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