Originally Posted by willbedie
PHP код:
new query[256];
mysql_format(Database, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `PLAYERS` WHERE `IP` = '%s'"
Exactly, i've already made if it was that easy look at that command
PHP код:
CMD:whois(playerid, params[])
if(connected[playerid] == true) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Spawn First", 5000, 5);
if(pInfo[playerid][Admin] < 3) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{C3C3C3}(INFO) You don't have the priviliges to use this command.");
new str[500], target, ip[16], country[32], isp[32], city[32];
if(sscanf(params, "u", target)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{c3c3c3}(INFO) /whois [id]");
GetPlayerIp(target, ip, 16);
GetIPCountry(ip, country, sizeof country);
GetIPISP(ip, isp, sizeof isp);
GetIPCity(ip, city, sizeof city);
format(str, sizeof(str), "{EFB509}(INFO) %s's ip is ''%s'' connected from ''%s''", PlayerName[target], ip[target], country[target]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, str);
mysql_format(Database, DB_Query, sizeof(DB_Query), "SELECT * FROM `PLAYERS` WHERE `IP` = '%s'", bla bla what to put);
format(str, sizeof(str), "{EFB509}(INFO) %s is also known as: %s", blabla what to put);
return 1;
Just to understand better what do you put after ", ??