Looking for a decent Roleplay server to play at

Hello guys, I'm looking for a decent roleplay server to stay at.
I'd be thankful if you send me the IP via Private Message, 0.3.8 or 0.3.DL is preferred.
Not sure if this topic is against the rules, sorry if is, delete it.

Edit: If you are wondering why I created this topic, the reason is simple.
I've been looking at the internet for ages, can't find a decent one to stay at.
Also don't suggest me servers like, LS-RP or other big ones, I already have accs there.

Can I join this treasure hunt ?
I would like some good server to go sometimes.

Originally Posted by VeryTallMidget
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Can I join this treasure hunt ?
I would like some good server to go sometimes.
Welcome to the club

Isn't LS-RP the go to server for people who ACTUALLY want to RP? Or has it been ruined already?

Originally Posted by DannyW
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Isn't LS-RP the go to server for people who ACTUALLY want to RP? Or has it been ruined already?
It is, however kinda bored of it, looking for something different now.

You can take a look at this

Quite decent to begin with.

ViceCity oh nooo, never want to see it again...

Originally Posted by LennyH
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You can take a look at this

Quite decent to begin with.
Sad part is you need to download alot of mods.

Originally Posted by DannyW
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Isn't LS-RP the go to server for people who ACTUALLY want to RP? Or has it been ruined already?
I have better roleplay experience on a ghost server opened by a kid than on los santos cops and robbers rp and fast and furious rp

inb4 everyone just starts posting their own server...

Click on the internet list on 0.3 DL and type in Roleplay in the mode, or English. Go from there.

Originally Posted by TakeiT
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inb4 everyone just starts posting their own server...

Click on the internet list on 0.3 DL and type in Roleplay in the mode, or English. Go from there.
Trust me bud I've been looking, finding and playing on servers for ages, and left or got eventually closed for reasons and now I'm here, looking for a good server that PROBABLY my eyes missed

Lawless is the only community that i have been comfortable in.

I tried all the servers : HZ, LS-RP, RC-RP and so on.

I found out that lawless is the right roleplay server to play on, The only problem that there are some pinoys who DM 24\7 and cant RP, But anyway the admin team is handling that.

Edit :


The only problem that there are some pinoys who DM 24\7 and cant RP

That's my opinion only, You're not forced to believe it.
But you're forced to respect it.

If you're going to quote it and start fighting with me then i am not going to reply.

Originally Posted by R4nd4ll
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Lawless is the only community that i have been comfortable in.

I tried all the servers : HZ, LS-RP, RC-RP and so on.

I found out that lawless is the right roleplay server to play on, The only problem that there are some pinoys who DM 24\7 and cant RP, But anyway the admin team is handling that.

Edit :

That's my opinion only, You're not forced to believe it.
But you're forced to respect it.

If you're going to quote it and start fighting with me then i am not going to reply.
Lawless, not a server for me, I've tried it.
Of course, you have your own opinion and I respect that, thanks for the suggestion bud.

If you can hold on another 10 days, Bay Area Roleplay will be launching on the 25th! I don't play RP servers but I'm really excited for this one because a bunch of old SA-MP community members have come together to create this.

You can check out the staff list here:

And the server trailer here:

Originally Posted by DannyW
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Isn't LS-RP the go to server for people who ACTUALLY want to RP? Or has it been ruined already?
Well not going to rant, but last time I was in LS-RP, majority of people there RPs as black guys who scams and jumps on you every time unless if you happen to be an O.G. there who can protect himself with a proper gun or friends perhaps.

If you want a much friendlier RP atmosphere, try RC-RP or P-LA.

Pure Roleplay's script is really good and the dev team is active. Shame it hasn't gotten that big of a playerbase.

Originally Posted by DannyW
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Pure Roleplay's script is really good and the dev team is active. Shame it hasn't gotten that big of a playerbase.
I've played on Pure RP, not a bad server I can say, got bored eventually.

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