0.3 come playing hard;/

i just want to say that version 0.3 is. better, but hardest.
tell me, why the fuck for do u change pawn function?;/
playing sa-mp should be a pleasure, not 100 new enigmas who no one cant understand. i think bout new functions, new include "NPC", it comes me crazy;/ what is it "NPC" ;/ i thimk i 'll use 0.2x, 03 is too hard, too much new things

Hello FarKiller,

Accurate documentation on all of the latest features are available on https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Category:Added_in_0.3. Also you mentioned that functions have been changed, when in fact scripts are completely compatible with 0.3 straight from 0.2X, the only thing you need to change is "SetDisabledWeapons", and that's it, compatible!

With everything new there is usually some sort of learning curve, I hope that you can learn this new information and get your server into 0.3 .

Have a nice day!

Originally Posted by FarKiller
i just want to say that version 0.3 is. better, but hardest.
tell me, why the fuck for do u change pawn function?;/
playing sa-mp should be a pleasure, not 100 new enigmas who no one cant understand. i think bout new functions, new include "NPC", it comes me crazy;/ what is it "NPC" ;/ i thimk i 'll use 0.2x, 03 is too hard, too much new things
Thank you for welcoming me to this thread. Let me see if I got this straight:
What you're trying to say is that 0.3 is better but harder because functions have been changed? You think that playing SA-MP should be pleasurable and not full of new functions that you can't comprehend?

You think NPC are crazy and that you'll use 0.2X in the future because you're overwhelmed by the new additions included in 0.3?

Did I get it all right?

You do not have to use new functions if you don't want to. You can read about NPCs(bots) on the wiki: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/NPC:Main_Page

want ask. if i put my old FS. old i mean filterscripts from 0.2x. to 0.3 , will they works?
sorry for my english. i;m from poland, my english could be bad ;p

Yes, once they don't use SetDisabledWeapons, if they do, simply remove them, compile and it's ready for 0.3

Minor changes have happened. You don't have to add new things if you don't wish to. And if you used a translator, you'd have been able to notice the changes.

You must re-compile your filterscript using the latest includes, also, you should view the 'helpful notes' thread on what to remove.

Yeah so converting my 02x script to 03 took about 20 minutes. Adding a bunch of the new features took an hour. Whoop-dee-do.

Nobody is forcing you to use the new stuff. If nothing else, you'll be able to take advantage of the improved sync, vehicle streaming, and vehicle surfing features that require no additional coding in order to use.

Or should the dev team just roll everything back and give up because a few people can't handle a minimal amount of extra effort?

1'st of all. welcome all here. and sorry to "attack:" U with my first post, but i;m little angry today

Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan
Yes, once they don't use SetDisabledWeapons, if they do, simply remove them, compile and it's ready for 0.3
i never used that funct

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