[Tutorial] Handlers - Pawn.RakNet

• Handlers - Pawn.RakNet
Other Pawn.RakNet tutorials: RPC - Pawn.RakNet | Packets - Pawn.RakNet

With handlers, you can assign a callback to handle packets and RPCs. Basically, it would be the same as using them in the main callbacks (OnIncomingRPC/Packet and OnOutcomingRPC/Packet), except only the RPC/Packet you assigned to that specific callback will reach it.

Handler types:
-PR_INCOMING_RPC: RPCs sent by the client to the server.
-PR_INCOMING_PACKET: Packets sent by client to the server.
-PR_OUTCOMING_RPC: RPCs sent by the server to the cliente.
-PR_OUTCOMING_PACKET: Packets sent by the server to the client.
PR_RegHandler(id, const publicname[], PR_HandlerType:type)
id - The packet/RPC id you are going to create the handler for.
publicname - Callback used by the handler.
type - Handler type.
• Creating a handler
To create a handler is pretty simple. Take into account that the handler's callback must have two parameters, one for the player receiving/sending the packet/RPC (playerid) and another one for the BitStream (BitStream:bs).

PHP Code:
#define ID_PLAYER_SYNC  207
public OnGameModeInit()
forward OnFootSync(playeridBitStream:bs);
printf("My weapon id is: %i"On_FootSync[PR_weaponId]);

The example above is pretty easy to understand, we can manipulate the packet 207 (on foot sync) through OnFootSync callback.

I'm not going to explain why you should ignore 8 bits and such, that is something I explained in my last Pawn.RakNet tutorial about packets. I recommend you to read my two last tutorials about RPCs and Packets before reading this thread.
• Errors related with handlers
These are two errors that might show up in your logs/console:
n_PR_RegHandler: Public "YourCallbackName" does not exist. - Pretty obvious, the callback you assigned to your handler does not exist.
n_PR_RegHandler: invalid array(T, N) subscript - Your RPC/Packet ID is undefined. For example, your RPC id is above/below MAX_RPC_MAP_SIZE (0-254) which is undefined/invalid.
• Considerations
- Take into account that OnIncomingPacket/RPC and OnOutcomingPacket/RPC callbacks will always be called before any handler's callback. So, if you return 0 in the main callbacks, handler callbacks won't be called.

-There can only be one handler per packet/RPC. If you create two handlers for the same packet/RPC, only the last one you created for that packet/RPC will work.

-If you create a handler and not assign any callback to it (leave the 2nd parameter empty/null), the server will crash.

Awesome, as always. People should understand how useful Pawn.Raknet is.

very good

Seeing your releases makes me wish i knew more about pawn.raknet i'm still waiting to get a chance to read and learn more about it, very interesting gj.

Very nice!

Now this plugin is a good YSF alternative, so I can remove half of the YSF because I can't maintain it anymore. If you will have free time and you'll be bored, then you could write a tutorial how to use RPC functions from this plugin as alternatives to ysf functions? (like. SetPlayerGravity, SetPlayerAttachedObjectForPlayer, etc..)


Useful to note you can assign multiple id to one handler.
Simple exemple: OnActorStateChange is called when a actor is streamed in or out for a player.
PHP Code:

Originally Posted by Dayrion
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Useful to note you can assign multiple id to one handler.
Simple exemple: OnActorStateChange is called when a actor is streamed in or out for a player.
PHP Code:
Yes, you can have a single callback for different handlers, but I wouldn't recommend it.

A handler callback has only two parameters: one for the player id and another one for the BitStream. There is no way you could identify which RPC/Packet called that callback, unless you compare the length in bits of the stream, by using BS_GetNumberOfBitsUsed.

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