[HELP] Finding a cars colour

I'm sorry if this has been covered before, but is it possible to find a cars colour in a script, for example GetVehicleColour()

No, you have to make your own function(s).

Use this it can help you : http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?action=search

Originally Posted by x-unit
As it happens, x-unit, I did make a search, but I'm not prepared to sift through reams and reams of scripting discussions to find one thing. Thanks TimmehBoy.

You could make your own "CreateVehicle" or addstaticvehicle function and save the color in 2 variables

EDIT: like this

top of script
pawn Код:
static Colors[MAX_VEHICLES][2];
pawn Код:
stock CreateVehicleX(model, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a, color1, color2, respawn) {
  new v;
  v = CreateVehicle(model, x, y, z, a, color1, color2, respawn);
  Colors[v][0] = color1;
  Colors[v][1] = color2;
  return v;
The rest is up to you

pawn Код:
new carcolor[MAX_VEHICLES][2]

stock SetVehicleColor(vehicleid, color1, color2)
  ChangeVehicleColor(vehicleid, color1, color2);
  carcolor[vehicleid][0] = color1;
  carcolor[vehicleid][1] = color2;

stock GetVehicleColor(vehicleid, bool:primary) return primary?carcolor[vehicleid][0]:carcolor[1][vehicleid];
/*if the second parameter is true, it will return the primary color, else secondary*/
Here's just an example. It can be done better. Also GetVehicleColor wont work if you don't do SetVehicleColor first

Thanks to all responses. After this:
Originally Posted by TimmehBoy
No, you have to make your own function(s).
I started making my own.
For the sake of anybody else who has had this problem, this is the code i used:
new CarColour[256];
public OnGameModeInit()
  ColourAddStaticVehicle(476,-1657.362061,-155.683640,15.318590, 270,1,1);
  ColourAddStaticVehicle(476,-1647.219849,-165.189056,15.318590, 270,1,1);
  return 1;
stock FindCarColour(playerid)
  if (!IsPlayerConnected(playerid) || !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return 0;
  return CarColour[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)];

stock ColourAddStaticVehicle(ModelID,Float:spawn_X,Float:spawn_Y,Float:spawn_Z, Float:zangle, C1,C2)
  new carID;
  carID = AddStaticVehicle(ModelID,spawn_X,spawn_Y,spawn_Z,zangle,C1,C2);
  CarColour[carID] = C1;
  return carID;
To all nitpickers (lots of you out there): My script doesn't have more than 256 cars, so there won't be a problem with it.

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