02.01.2018, 11:30
Last edited by Eoussama; 31/08/2018 at 04:34 PM.
Reason: Fixed Dropbox label.
Change-log manager
Version 1.0.0 - 4/21/2018
• It’s always nice to have a lightweight tool to help you out with your daily-development activities while working on different projects, I found myself stating the changes I make on my projects on different *.txt files, in plain format, it was only a matter of time, till those dozens of files started to stack on each other, making it harder for me to find and/or review them later, I had this tool by my side for quite a while, served its purpose the way I wanted, and here I am sharing it here for anyone who’s interested in either improving it or using it.►Semantic Versioning
• This is not a new or revolutionary idea. In fact, you probably do something close to this already. The problem is that “close” isn’t good enough. Without compliance to some sort of formal specification, version numbers are essentially useless for dependency management. By giving a name and clear definition to the above ideas, it becomes easy to communicate your intentions to the users of your software. Once these intentions are clear, flexible (but not too flexible) dependency specifications can finally be made, more on this topic here.►Preview
• The application is still far from perfect, or maybe not?! both in design and functionality, but with suggestions, it can be improved. You can easily create, open or save your changelogs under a *.log file, you can also export the change-log under HTML, plain text, markdown, BBCode, pawn snippets, JSON, XML, YAML or SQL queries. all of your recent opened change-logs are saved under a file that's automatically created, called “config.cfg”.►Change-log
[1.0.0 - 4/21/2018]===================================================== New features
- Added information for "Semantic Versioning" and an auto redirection to the official website semver.org.
- New export option (SQL queries).
- New option added to reload the opened chang-log in order to update it in case some external changes were made to the changelog's file.
- Added a button to remove items from the recently opened files section.
- Ability to clear all recent files by pressing the recent files count label.
- Recent files are now ordered by last edited date.
- Few internal changes and code refactorizations.
- Auto fill for changelog title/version edit.
- Change-log titles limited to 30 characters.
- Fixed a bug that causes repetitions to the word "Version" all over the place.
- Fixed few path duplication bugs.
New features
- Various keyboard shortcuts added.
- Return button form validation.
- Added various icons to the menuStrip.
- Added new export options: JSON, XML, YAML.
- A bug with double quotes conflict in the pawn export option is fixed.
New features
- Up Down movements for lists entries.
- Multiselect deactivated on file opening dialog.
- Markdown files are saved under the .md extension.
- Icons are smaller.
- Left padding added to the "New features" label.
- Removed javascript from the HTML export.
- “Save as” typo fixed.
- Welcome panel open bug.
- DIALOG_STYLE bug with the pawn code export.
- Auto collapse for no reason for HTML export tabs.
- Lots of typo fixes, I hope I haven't slept up on any others.
- Bug with the application-name export in HTML files.
- Copy event exception handled.
New features
- Ability to edit the title and version of change-logs.
- Welcome form added.
- Opened files are saved under “Recent files” panel.
- The status strip is updated after every operation.
- Added a “Save as” functionality.
- Added better CSS and some Javascript for collapsing/expanding sections in the HTML export.
- Pawn export form re-designed.
- Source code cleaned and optimized.
- Few crashes fixed.
- Few typo fixes.
- Initial release.
Source code: https://github.com/EOussama/Change-log-manager
♦ Current version - 1.0.0• Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uszlbybu11...1.0.0.rar?dl=0
• Github: https://github.com/EOussama/Change-l...ases/tag/1.0.0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------♦ Earlier versions• Version 0.4: Dropbox - Github
• Version 0.3: Dropbox - Github
• Version 0.2: Dropbox - Github
• Version 0.1: Dropbox - Github