09.12.2017, 09:41
So basically, I have seen in a gamemode a deathmode alike LS-RP so I took apart of it (the dead mode) and implemented it into my gamemode and changed a bit, problem is, when I execute a player in-game he stands up from the injury animation and doesn't peform the animation I have given him at the dead mode: ( code )
PHP код:
function:OnPlayerDead(playerid, killerid, reason, executed)
if(executed == 1)
SendAdminAction(playerid, "%s has been executed by %s. (%s)", ReturnName(playerid), ReturnName(killerid), ReturnWeaponName(reason));
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, PLAYER_STATE_DEAD);
PlayerData[playerid][pRespawnTime] = gettime();
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOWEX, "-> You're now dead. You need to wait 60 seconds until you can /respawnme.");
for(new i =0; i <4; i++)
SetPlayerWeather(playerid, globalWeather);
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
return 1;