Need help converting from MySQL R39 to R41

Hello. I'm trying to update a gamemode, which uses MySQL R39, to R40. I'm using maddinat0r's tutorial. I need help converting player stats loading.

forward OnPlayerLogin(playerid, tmp[]);
public OnPlayerLogin(playerid, tmp[])
	if(!GetPVarInt(playerid, "Logged")) return 1;
	new rows, fields;
	cache_get_data(rows, fields);
		if(PlayerLogTries[playerid] == 4)
			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED, "Вы несколько раз ввели неверный пароль! Для выхода из игры введите: {ffffff}/q(uit)");
			return SKick(playerid, 52);
        new string[100];
		format(string, sizeof(string), "{F04245}Вы ввели неверный пароль!\nУ вас осталось {FFFFFF}%d {F04245}попыток", 3 - PlayerLogTries[playerid]);
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, D_ERRORPAS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}Ошибка", string, "Повтор", "Выйти");
		return 1;
	PI[playerid][pID] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 0); // id
	//cache_get_value_index(0, 2, PI[playerid][pPassword], 32); // password
	cache_get_value_index(0, 3, PI[playerid][pLastIP], 16); // ip
	cache_get_value_index(0, 4, PI[playerid][pNumberVehicle], 20); // veh_number
	PI[playerid][pRegVehicle] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 5); // veh_reg
	PI[playerid][pAdmin] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 6); // admin
	PI[playerid][pSecurityCode] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 7); // securitycode
	PI[playerid][pCheckCode] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 8); // checkcode
	cache_get_value_index(0, 9, PI[playerid][pMail], 64); // mail
	PI[playerid][pLevel] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 10); // level
	PI[playerid][pCash] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 11); // cash
	PI[playerid][pBank] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 12); // bank
	PI[playerid][pExp] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 13); // exp
	cache_get_value_index(0, 14, PI[playerid][pRegIP], 16); // regip
	cache_get_value_index(0, 15, PI[playerid][pRegData], 15); // datareg
	PI[playerid][pLeader] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 16); // leader
	PI[playerid][pTempLeader] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 17); // templeader
	PI[playerid][pMember] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 18); // member
	PI[playerid][pRank] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 19); // rank
	PI[playerid][pWarn] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 20); // warn
	PI[playerid][pSex] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 21); // sex
	PI[playerid][pAge] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 22); // age
	PI[playerid][pModel] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 23); // model
	PI[playerid][pMemberSkin] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 24); // memberskin
	cache_get_value_index(0, 25, PI[playerid][pLics], 16); // lic
	PI[playerid][pMuted] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 28); // mute
	PI[playerid][pPick] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 29); // pick
	PI[playerid][pCheckTime] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 30); //checktime
	PI[playerid][pNews] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 31); // news
	//PI[playerid][pPhone] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 32); // phone
	PI[playerid][pPhoneNumber] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 33); // phonenumber
	cache_get_value_index(0, 34, PI[playerid][pTexts], 20); // text
	PI[playerid][pJail] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 35); // jail
	PI[playerid][pJailTime] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 36); // jailtime
	PI[playerid][pWanted] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 37); // wanted
	PI[playerid][pWantedTime] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 38); // wantedtime
	cache_get_value_index(0, 39, PI[playerid][pWantedWho], MAX_PLAYER_NAME); // wantedwho
	cache_get_value_index(0, 40, PI[playerid][pWantedReason], 32); // wantedreason
	PI[playerid][pHeal] = cache_get_row_float(0, 41); // heal
	PI[playerid][pDrugs] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 42); // drugs
	PI[playerid][pPatron] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 43); // patron
	PI[playerid][pGunAmount] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 44); // gunamount
	PI[playerid][pCrimes] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 45); // crimes
	PI[playerid][pJob] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 46); // job
	PI[playerid][pMarried] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 47); // married
	cache_get_value_index(0, 48, PI[playerid][pWhoMarried], MAX_PLAYER_NAME); // whomarried
	cache_get_value_index(0, 49, PI[playerid][pReferal], MAX_PLAYER_NAME); // referal
	PI[playerid][pRefMoney] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 50); // refmoney
	PI[playerid][pPayCheck] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 51); // paycheck
	PI[playerid][pCharity] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 52); // charity
	PI[playerid][pVip] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 53); // vip
	PI[playerid][pVipTime] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 54); // viptime
	PI[playerid][pTime] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 55); // time
	//PI[playerid][pAdminTime] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 56); // admintime
	PI[playerid][pFightStyle] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 57); // fstyle
	PI[playerid][pCredits] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 58); // credits
	PI[playerid][pTotalCredits] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 59); // totalcredits
	PI[playerid][pSkin][0] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 60); // skin1
	PI[playerid][pSkin][1] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 61); // skin2
	PI[playerid][pSkin][2] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 62); // skin3
	PI[playerid][pSpawnChange] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 63); // spawnchange
	PI[playerid][pGunSkill][0] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 64); // sdpistol
	PI[playerid][pGunSkill][1] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 65); // deserteagle
	PI[playerid][pGunSkill][2] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 66); // shotgun
	PI[playerid][pGunSkill][3] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 67); // mp5
	PI[playerid][pGunSkill][4] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 68); // ak47
	PI[playerid][pGunSkill][5] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 69); // m4
	PI[playerid][pGunSkill][6] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 70); // pistol
	PI[playerid][pGunSkill][7] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 71); // microuzi
	PI[playerid][pHunger] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 72); // hunger
	PI[playerid][pHealthS] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 73); // healths
	PI[playerid][pSportExp] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 74); // sportexp
	PI[playerid][pOnline] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 75); // online
	PI[playerid][pZakon] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 76); // zakon
	PI[playerid][pCity] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 77); // city
	cache_get_value_index(0, 78, PI[playerid][pRepcars], 16); // repcar
	PI[playerid][pBed] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 79); // bed
	PI[playerid][pWatch] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 80); // watch
	PI[playerid][pCiggare] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 81); // ciggare
	PI[playerid][pSprunk] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 82); // sprunk
	PI[playerid][pMask] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 83); // mask
	PI[playerid][pPhoneBalance] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 84); // phonebalance
	PI[playerid][pTruckSkill] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 85); // truckskill
        PI[playerid][cModel] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 86); // cModel
	PI[playerid][cClass] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 87); // cClass
	PI[playerid][cFuel] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 88); // cFuel
	PI[playerid][cColor][0] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 89); // cColor1
	PI[playerid][cColor][1] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 90); // cColor2
	PI[playerid][cLock] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 91); // cLock
	PI[playerid][cCost] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 92); // cCost
	cache_get_value_index(0, 93, PI[playerid][cVehcom], 64); // cVehcom
	PI[playerid][cPaintjob] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 94); // cPaintjob
	PI[playerid][pAptechka] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 95); // aptechka
	PI[playerid][pVoennik] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 96); // Voennik
	PI[playerid][pMusic] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 97); // music
	cache_get_value_index(0, 98, PI[playerid][pImproves], 32); // improves
	PI[playerid][pSettings] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 100); // settings
	PhoneNumbers[playerid][0] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 101); // phnumber1
	PhoneNumbers[playerid][1] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 102); // phnumber2
	PhoneNumbers[playerid][2] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 103); // phnumber3
	PhoneNumbers[playerid][3] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 104); // phnumber4
	PhoneNumbers[playerid][4] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 105); // phnumber5
	PhoneNumbers[playerid][5] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 106); // phnumber6
	PhoneNumbers[playerid][6] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 107); // phnumber7
	PhoneNumbers[playerid][7] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 108); // phnumber8
	//PI[playerid][pVehicleKey] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 109); // vehiclekey
	PI[playerid][pMailConfirmed] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 110); // mailconf
	PI[playerid][pFishki] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 111); // fishki
	new l_guns[56], l_ammo[56];
	cache_get_value_index(0, 26, l_guns, 64); // guns
	cache_get_value_index(0, 27, l_ammo, 64); // ammos
I guess I need to have it like that?
PI[playerid][pID] = cache_get_value_index_int(0, 0); //old
cache_get_value_index_int(0, "pID", PI[playerid][pID]); //new
Sorry, I'm noob at MySQL.

Originally Posted by RageCraftLV
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Sorry, I'm noob at MySQL.
don't convert.

Originally Posted by Juvanii
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don't convert.
Why? I just need an example. All the MySQL loading systems are with similar code. So, if I can convert this one, I will be able to others too.

forward OnPlayerLogin(playerid, tmp[]);
public OnPlayerLogin(playerid, tmp[])
	if(!GetPVarInt(playerid, "Logged")) return 1;
	new rows = cache_num_rows();
		if(PlayerLogTries[playerid] == 4)
			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED, "Вы несколько раз ввели неверный пароль! Для выхода из игры введите: {ffffff}/q(uit)");
			return SKick(playerid, 52);
        new string[100];
		format(string, sizeof(string), "{F04245}Вы ввели неверный пароль!\nУ вас осталось {FFFFFF}%d {F04245}попыток", 3 - PlayerLogTries[playerid]);
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, D_ERRORPAS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}Ошибка", string, "Повтор", "Выйти");
		return 1;
        cache_get_value_int(0, "ID", PI[playerid][pID]);
        cache_get_value(0, "Name", PI[playerid][pName], MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
        cache_get_value_float(0, "X", PI[playerid][pPosX]);
        cache_get_value_float(0, "Y", PI[playerid][pPosY]);
        cache_get_value_float(0, "Z", PI[playerid][pPosZ]);
        return 1;

Originally Posted by m4karow
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cache_get_value_float(0, "Z", PI[playerid][pPosZ]);
So I can write anything I want in "Z"? Let's say, "PosZ"?

the "Z" is the field name in sql

Originally Posted by m4karow
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the "Z" is the field name in sql
Thanks for the help! +rep.

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