Discussion about starting new servers.


I'm PanMadzior. Some days ago I came to the forum to see what is happening with my old good SAMP. I have not been really active for a couple of years. I left SAMP in about 2014/2015. Before that happened, I was actively working on my private game modes etc. Unfortunately, I gave up making new things and went into the game development. In that time I was making some projects mostly in Unity game engine (all private, some were done on game jams, but nevermind). I have finished high school and joined an indie game studio. Now I'm studying computer science and have a stable, well-paid (at least for my age) job. And it all thanks mostly to SAMP - I started my journey by making simple teleport commands for my friend's server

Anyway, I saw that SAMP is going pretty well. When I left it, I was afraid that it will slowly die over time. Now I see that average players count is still better than most of the games on Steam Also, there is a next, cool update on the way. What's more exciting (at least for me), there is a plugin (SampSharp) that allows making things with C#.

So I'm thinking about making a new server as my side project. Not next RolePlay because I have never been into them. Not next freeroam, DM-like server because I don't feel it anymore. I'm thinking more about a server with one, specific and more expanded game mode. But before diving into this again, I'd like to ask you, nowadays SAMP developers, a few questions.

1. What is a state of cheaters? Are there any well-working includes/scripts/plugins/tricks that can successfully help limiting cheating to the absolute minimum?
2. How about that cool SampSharp plugin. Can anyone confirm that it is worth working with? What about other plugins and tools that could potentially help developing a new server? Is there anything, relatively new, worth looking at?
3. What about the community. I'm a bit confused about the fact, that most of the players seem to be Russian or Turkish. Those players are not my target, simply because of the language barriers. What about English language community. Is it alive?
4. What are your thoughts about making new servers? I mean, back in the days I was dreaming about having a successful server, now I have some time and funds to make it happen. But is it worth? Wouldn't it be an unnecessary pain? Overall, what do you think about this subject?

I don't expect strict answers for "1,2,3,4" questions. We can make a discussion about it, so other developers may find this topic useful.

Regards, PanMadzior

Wait for the 0.3.8 version to come out and then you'll see if it's worth it or not.

1) most are automatically detectable, currently the best ac is nex-ac, aim/wh is something you need active admins for
2) never used it and probably never will because if i run into some obscure problem there might be no support
3) there are still a lot of english players left and also you need to take into account that just because someone is not from an english speaking country doesn't mean he doesn't know english
4) is it worth it? this is for you to answer, do you enjoy scripting? and later managing a community? do you have some good and fun ideas to share? if the answers are mostly yes then it is worth it

1. What is a state of cheaters? Are there any well-working includes/scripts/plugins/tricks that can successfully help limiting cheating to the absolute minimum?

I would recommend making your own AC system; server side money, health and armour checks, teleporting: the list goes on regarding what you should be checking. cecil has an anti cheat tips thread which may be useful.

2. How about that cool SampSharp plugin. Can anyone confirm that it is worth working with? What about other plugins and tools that could potentially help developing a new server? Is there anything, relatively new, worth looking at?

You have to weight both sides of the coin: yes, some people are using it. However, the support for it, compared to the default scripting language of SA-MP, Pawn, is less; most gamemodes made with S# are not product ready yet, though.
Discord Connector (useful as most communities are shying away from IRC and using Discord now: not really a tool that's going to help develop a new server, but it's a neat feature that you could have);
Vehicle Plus
ZeeX's Compiler Patches

I suggest you check out the Plugin Development, Includes & Tools and Files forums. There are a bunch of things you may find of aid.

3. What about the community. I'm a bit confused about the fact, that most of the players seem to be Russian or Turkish. Those players are not my target, simply because of the language barriers. What about English language community. Is it alive?
The english community is alive, but most of it is playing in roleplay servers. If you want to target a bigger audience, the best way to go is to have multiple languages in your server.

4. What are your thoughts about making new servers? I mean, back in the days I was dreaming about having a successful server, now I have some time and funds to make it happen. But is it worth? Wouldn't it be an unnecessary pain? Overall, what do you think about this subject?
If you have time, sense of commitment and know how to run a server: go for it. If you have an actual creative idea then sure. If you plan on doing it for the sake of being creative, go for it; for fund collection? Leave the idea at the door.

The bottom line is that if you want to create a server for the purpose of expressing your creativeness and later on take the responsabilities of managing a community, by all means go for it. On the other end of the spectrum, If you have zero idea how to manage a community despite being an awesome scripter, it will likely go wrong. Players need to be heard and if they don't like what the community staff is doing, then they will not play in your server.

Good luck!

@Twizted VehiclePlus has a OnplayerEditDynamicObject Bug, so thats why i prefer EVF, and YSF for other vehicle functions.
Go with EVF instead of Vehicle Plus.

Originally Posted by Debjit
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@Twizted VehiclePlus has a OnplayerEditDynamicObject Bug, so thats why i prefer EVF, and YSF for other vehicle functions.
Go with EVF instead of Vehicle Plus.
Cheers. There is a fair share of useful functions that Madzior_ may find useful and of aid, but it all comes down to what kind of gamemode he's doing (certain gamemodes have different features).

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