HELP check the distance from the checkpoint to that of the player

I would like to know how to make the distance from the checkpoint to the player and put in that small system of rank to see who is closest to the checkpoint is first

motogate is the variable that shows which player has the most number

so when the player passes the checkpoint he has one more number when one player has more number than the other one he gets first and what he does not have gets second

stock ShowTopTenScoreForPlayer()
	new MaxData[14];
	new MaxDataID[14];
	new bool:OnTheRank[MAX_PLAYERS];
	new DataSource[MAX_PLAYERS];
	new Ranking[570];
	foreach(Player, i)

	if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) DataSource[i] = MotoGate[i];//The MotoGate 
	for(new i; i < 14; i++){MaxData[i] = -1 ;MaxDataID[i] = -1;} //Preparar variбveis

	foreach(Player, i)


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[1])

				MaxData[1] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[1] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[1] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[1]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i) // Posiзгo 2є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[2] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[1] && MaxDataID[1] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[2] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[2] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[2] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[2]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i) // Posiзгo 3є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[3] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[2] && MaxDataID[2] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[3] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[3] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[3] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[3]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i)// Posiзгo 4є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[4] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[3] && MaxDataID[3] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[4] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[4] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[4] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[4]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i) // Posiзгo 5є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[5] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[4] && MaxDataID[4] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[5] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[5] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[5] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[5]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i) // Posiзгo 6є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[6] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[5] && MaxDataID[5] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[6] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[6] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[6] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[6]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i) // Posiзгo 7є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[7] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[6] && MaxDataID[6] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[7] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[7] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[7] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[7]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i) // Posiзгo 8є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[8] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[7] && MaxDataID[7] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[8] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[8] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[8] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[8]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i) // Posiзгo 9є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[9] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[8] && MaxDataID[8] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[9] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[9] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[9] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[9]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i) // Posiзгo 10є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[10] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[9] && MaxDataID[9] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[10] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[10] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[10] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[10]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i) // Posiзгo 10є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[11] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[10] && MaxDataID[10] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[11] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[11] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[11] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[11]] = true;

	foreach(Player, i) // Posiзгo 10є


			if(DataSource[i] > MaxData[12] && DataSource[i] <= MaxData[11] && MaxDataID[11] != i && OnTheRank[i] == false)

				MaxData[11] = DataSource[i];
				MaxDataID[11] = i;
	if(MaxDataID[12] != -1) OnTheRank[MaxDataID[13]] = true;

	for(new i; i < 13; i++)

		if(MaxDataID[i] != -1)

			new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			GetPlayerName(MaxDataID[i], Name, sizeof(Name));
			format(Ranking, sizeof(Ranking), "%s~n~ ~w~ %s (%i/%i) %i", Ranking,Name,MaxData[i],gMaxCheckpoints,i);

	format(DialogString, sizeof(DialogString), "%s~n~~n~",Ranking);
	return 1;}

Pretty sure you don't need to check if the player is connected in foreach.

Your code is difficult to look at when you're using doublespaced lines, and it's a terrible idea to run 10 foreach statements simply to find each individual placing.

See if you can find the 'top' examples, as this is basically all you need to do. Make an array of how many places you are tracking, and see who has the highest checkpoint. If doubles, then calculate distance, and change order appropriately. Otherwise, change order anyway due to placing.

Thanks for the tip only I wanted to know how to put in that code which player is closer to the checkpoint by the string

If that was the case, you'd not need any of the other 9 checks you did, you'd just need to do 2 variable stores...

1 for the closest player, and 1 for that players distance. You then check if anyone else is closer, and change those to whoever is closer.

can you make an example of the code you're talking about please

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