What's happening with LS-RP? Comment.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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Mmartin is still an SA-MP beta tester and he told me he'll do what he can to keep the server running smoothly.
I honestly hope he does, but with the current people he has "supporting" him I don't see it happening. Especially with someone who has full access isn't communicating with them for weeks and they think he just gave up on the server. Honestly just good luck to him, he'll need it.

I was apart of the server for nearly 10 years, I don't want to see it just go down, I still care a lot for the community there I just don't agree with a lot of what's going on and the way it's being ran.

The healthiest thing to do at this moment is to look at it and learn from it. If you're part of the server still and want to keep it going, then go for it with an honest and realistic point of view. If you're done with it and still yearn for something more in the roleplay world of SA-MP go out there and make it happen. HZ:RP is a merge of those two servers, nICe has an amazing single player gamemode that deserves some real love, Red County Roleplay is still kicking and consistently providing the same quality it's been giving over the years, and even I got invited to help prop up a roleplay server. Alternatively /you/ could just make something!

If you're one of the people who are just done, and scorned by it all and just here stuck upset..well then ya just can't do that. It's not healthy. Lord knows I'm not going to have the nicest responses if you were to bring up LS-RP to me but I'm not going to sit in a topic for this long going endlessly on about them like this. Kye can't ban them because they're mean and judging from the staff's reactions they don't really care so you pretty much got your answer towards your criticisms. Do you want an endless war or do you come to this mod to enjoy yourself?

If the latter, then as I said earlier just think about what you want right now and just go for it. This mod is still full of many opportunities, don't be blinded by one just because it's popular.

samp is dying maybe? all are busy atm players might come back at winter vacations not even ls rp every samp server is dying I think

Originally Posted by Electron123
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samp is dying maybe? all are busy atm players might come back at winter vacations not even ls rp every samp server is dying I think

Make this an auto-reply for everyone who says "SAMP is dying".

It's not dying but it isn't growing that much either. You have to ignore everything on that graph from about Aug 2016 to Oct 2017 since there were about 10-15k of fake player servers. Since they were on the internet list and the internet list was disabled in the client, I didn't worry about dealing with them.

When we talk about sa-mp player numbers going down, we're talking about English role play servers since those are the ones we play (or did play) on. SA-MP's story in general is a different one. Some stunt servers have actually grown in the last year, while cops and robbers are down slightly.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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SA-MP's story in general is a different one. Some stunt servers have actually grown in the last year, while cops and robbers are down slightly.
I can confirm that, I collect stats for my servers since March 2010. For example last month players spent ~19% more playing hours on our servers than in September 2016 and ~26% more than in September 2015. In the last year we have witnessed the biggest growth of our playerbase in our history.

Cnr and Many cod servers still have a good playerbase but majority are Russian, bots :/

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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Yeah, open source worked wonders for vc-mp. Just look at it now http://www.vicecitymultiplayer.com/ (don't bother clicking, it's gone).
The community of VC-MP was non-existent in comparison to SA-MP. SA-MP has some of the best devs playing on it's servers. Also MTA:SA is a prime example of how open sourcing works to advance a dated code base.

I joined SA-MP in 2007 and the first server I ever played on was LS-RP, it was a dream come true for me to play GTA:SA online. At the time I was playing on a laptop with my phone connected to it running GPRS connection which I paid my PAYG provider Ј1 a day for unlimited usage (I'm in the UK). At the time, GPRS was the only connection out, EDGE was making it's way forth but we didn't have coverage yet. So it was hard for me to get decent connection and I got kicked a lot, but then 3G came out and I got a better phone and that was a more stable connection. (I didn't have home internet my family couldn't afford it)

But yeah, LS-RP was awesome, I had some great times there I left in 2009 to go to DM and went to LVP.

Originally Posted by Famalamalam
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The community of VC-MP was non-existent in comparison to SA-MP. SA-MP has some of the best devs playing on it's servers. Also MTA:SA is a prime example of how open sourcing works to advance a dated code base.
I'm not against open source. If I weren't developing SA-MP, I'd probably want the source to be open. It's a matter of picking the right time to do it so there aren't a bunch of fail forks that split the community. That's kinda what happened to VC-MP anyway. I open sourced VC-MP in 2005.

For most of SA-MP's history, MTA only had ~10-20% of the player base of SA-MP. It's hard to know what the history would have been if MTA open sourced and then became the most popular multiplayer mod for GTA. There may have been intense interest in forking the code and that may have split MTA across several branches. The entire history would have been completely different without SA-MP.

I see, so you're against open sourcing it because you're scared the community SA-MP has built here, is not valuable enough for players to stay?

Open sourcing is injecting new blood into old veins, if the only reason you're not for open-sourcing is because you're scared of competition, you're not really in it for the right reasons.

Originally Posted by Famalamalam
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I see, so you're against open sourcing it because you're scared the community SA-MP has built here, is not valuable enough for players to stay?

Open sourcing is injecting new blood into old veins, if the only reason you're not for open-sourcing is because you're scared of competition, you're not really in it for the right reasons.
I don't think open sourcing SA-MP is a good idea at this point. SA-MP does still have a huge community or rather playerbase, even tho the player count is slowly going down. It could split the community, because of different versions as some people already said. It seems you have no idea how hard it is to maintain such a mod.

Originally Posted by BlueG
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I don't think open sourcing SA-MP is a good idea at this point. SA-MP does still have a huge community or rather playerbase, even tho the player count is slowly going down. It could split the community, because of different versions as some people already said. It seems you have no idea how hard it is to maintain such a mod.
Properly said. That's what I meant exactly, the playerbase will split into many different new communities if SA-MP is open-source. From 20000 playerbase in one community (SA-MP.COM Specifically) to like 1000-2000 on each community which will make it way worse.

SA-MP 0.4 (Client Update) and all co-existing community problems can* vanish.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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Huh? I think it's kinda retarded to create a multiplayer mod for a game that already has multiplayer.
What if the game has MP that doesn't allow scripting ? :/

Originally Posted by KaryM4Life
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What if the game has MP that doesn't allow scripting ? :/
Dude it's been covered so many times. You're not allowed to interfere with their business plans, period.
Rockstar Games doesn't have plans for creating a multiplayer component for GTA SA. If they had, SA-MP and MTA would probably have issues.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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I don't think open sourcing SA-MP is a good idea at this point. SA-MP does still have a huge community or rather playerbase, even tho the player count is slowly going down. It could split the community, because of different versions as some people already said. It seems you have no idea how hard it is to maintain such a mod.
I have an idea, yes. I don't think that makes much of a difference, open-sourcing SA-MP would make a profound mark on maintenance if that's your concern! What maintenance exactly?

Pros of open source far outweigh the cons, for example open source projects enjoy far more creativity and customisation, and quality of content takes precedent because it's being built and maintained by those who love and use it the most! Security is improved, "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow." Support is a huge weight off your shoulders with open source, it will free up so much of your time to concentrate on bigger things.

My opinion of open source is one of clarity, obviously open source does not mean things go to shit. People aren't going to go off and join another SA-MP spin off just because they exist, however - if someone takes the source to a new level and makes it better, that's the whole idea of open source. That is the design of open source. To EVOLVE.

SA-MP, like many things in existence, needs to evolve to survive. Tell me I'm wrong?

Originally Posted by Famalamalam
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My opinion of open source is one of clarity, obviously open source does not mean things go to shit. People aren't going to go off and join another SA-MP spin off just because they exist, however - if someone takes the source to a new level and makes it better, that's the whole idea of open source. That is the design of open source. To EVOLVE.
You're naive to actually believe that people will do the right thing. You need to wake up. The world isn't nice, and people won't play by your rules.
Originally Posted by Famalamalam
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SA-MP, like many things in existence, needs to evolve to survive. Tell me I'm wrong?
Since Kalcor clearly stated that lost of features aren't even used by most servers, I'd say you're wrong.
It's the general mentality that needs to evolve, not SA-MP.

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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You're naive to actually believe that people will do the right thing. You need to wake up. The world isn't nice, and people won't play by your rules.
What are you even talking about? The right thing What?

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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Since Kalcor clearly stated that most* of the* features aren't even used by most servers, I'd say you're wrong.
It's the general mentality that needs to evolve, not SA-MP.
No, it isn't. SA-MP will always and has always been aimed at immature audiences, the audience doesn't matter. If you're open source bad things don't happen....

Hey remember when SA-MP source code got leaked? That wouldn't have happened. Remember when you make something high value, people are more likely going to want to have it. If you devalue it and give it away for free, those problems don't exist.

Originally Posted by Famalamalam
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SA-MP, like many things in existence, needs to evolve to survive. Tell me I'm wrong?
I highly disagree, open-source would split the community up and quite possibly just ruin SA-MP. It's fine as it is, it's an old game and becoming an old multiplayer mod and people love SA-MP for the simplicity,.

Why is everybody so scared of the community "splitting up" ?? That isn't how it works. If someone forks SA-MP and makes a better version and people move to it, so what? That's how life is supposed to work and it's EXACTLY what open source is designed for.

The community isn't going to just disappear to the next person to drop a version of SA-MP unless it benefits them, but if it does, that's a good thing. Evolution. Survival of the fittest.

SA-MP is old, yes, all the more reason to inject some life into it.

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