Group System - something's wrong

Okay so first i was i/a on scripting for a while and now i came back so basicly i dont really have any idea where i left my things , i started testing group system ingame and i found something wrong with it , heres the thing.

If i create 2 groups for example
G 1 named Leos Group - first logged acc
G 2 named Lazys Group - second logged acc

While im still ingame it works but once i quit with both accounts and then login with second acc i get the infos of group 1 , and if i login with first acc i get second's group info

Can you please help me , let me know which code part do you need so i can bring them up.
Also the saving system is MYSQL
Table are
1- ID / 2- GroupName / 3 - GroupLeader which saves the ID/name and the owner.

You're asking which code part but you haven't provided your code, so how do you expect someone to see an issue without having the code?

You should post the code for when the group is created (command I guess), how it's saved and of course how it is loaded.

Create group cmd
COMMAND:creategroup(playerid, params[])
        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGroup] != -1) return SendClientError(playerid,"You are already in a group");
        new name[128];
        if(sscanf(params, "s", name)) return SCP(playerid,"creategroup[ Name]");
            new groupid = GetUnusedGroup();
            if(groupid == -1) return SendClientError(playerid,"The maximum has been reached,you cannot create more groups!!");
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pGroup] = groupid;
            new iQuery[250];
            mysql_format(MySQLPipeline, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "UPDATE `GROUPINFO` SET `ID` = %d WHERE `GroupLeader` = '%e'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGroup],RPName(playerid));
            mysql_tquery(MySQLPipeline, iQuery);
        return 1;
Create group stock
stock CreateGroup(GroupNames[],GroupLeaders[])
        new Groupid = GetUnusedGroup();
        if(Groupid == -1) return printf("[ERROR] - Maximum GroupS reached. %d/%d", Groupid, MAX_GroupS);
        new iQuery[250];
        mysql_format(MySQLPipeline, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "INSERT INTO `GroupInfo` (`ID`, `GroupName`,`GroupLeader`) VALUES (%d,'%e','%e')",Groupid,GroupNames,GroupLeaders);
        mysql_tquery(MySQLPipeline, iQuery);
        ReloadGroup(Groupid, false);
        return 1;
And heres the load one

        if(fromstart == 1)
                GroupInfo[i][GroupActive] = false;
        new fields, rows;
        cache_get_data(rows, fields, MySQLPipeline);
            for(new row; row < rows; row++)
                new iGet[128];
                cache_get_field_content(row, "ID", iGet, MySQLPipeline); new Groupid = strval(iGet);
                cache_get_field_content(row, "GroupName", iGet, MySQLPipeline); myStrcpy(GroupInfo[Groupid][GroupName], iGet);
                cache_get_field_content(row, "GroupLeader", iGet, MySQLPipeline); myStrcpy(GroupInfo[Groupid][GroupLeader], iGet);
                GroupInfo[Groupid][GroupActive] = true;

please help me i really need this

OnPlayerDisconnect doesn't have code to make the 'groups' for that ID, removed?

This is more a common rookie mistake, as everything, upon disconnection, should be set to invalid IDs so this doesn't happen.

Case in point, is when you have an admin system, if there's a disconnection it HAS to be cleared, or the next person to connect will have admin status.

I have set the Playerinfo groupid to -1 while he quits at OnPlayerDisconnect but not GroupInfo[playerid][GroupID](cuz it doesnt really do anything) Now if i set GroupID to -1 and create new group it stays -1 all the time even when i quit , i dont really see where's the problem right now, i've debugged the /g showing the ID of PlayerInfo[playerid][pGroup] and its same with the DB's one but GroupInfo[playerid][groupID] its not its either 0 or -1

Originally Posted by LazzyBoy
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I have set the Playerinfo groupid to -1 while he quits at OnPlayerDisconnect but not GroupInfo[playerid][GroupID](cuz it doesnt really do anything) Now if i set GroupID to -1 and create new group it stays -1 all the time even when i quit , i dont really see where's the problem right now, i've debugged the /g showing the ID of PlayerInfo[playerid][pGroup] and its same with the DB's one but GroupInfo[playerid][groupID] its not its either 0 or -1
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGroup] = groupid;
That line is causing -1 to be the new group tag...

You really need to be looking at this code more.

I dont think that PlayerInfo[playerid][pGroup] = groupid is the problem as long as the Player's group in player db is saved and loaded correctly , which means its GroupInfo[playerid][GroupID] but i have found another way around.

new group = PlayerInfo[playerid][pGroup]
GroupInfo[group][GroupName] // in this way i was able to get the real id of group and everything else correctly
but i dont know if this would cause and problem while there will be more groups like 15/30 cuz i've tested it and doesnt really get mixed.

Anw Reppd + for the help.

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