How do I know what type of saved I use?

Good have all community I would like to know what kind of saved I use that is my doubt in advance thanks

Slowest to fastest it goes ... Normal file saves, SQLite, MySQL

INI/SQLite is a simple option if you don't expect too many players and don't do much data storage.

MySQL if you think you will, or want to futureproof your setup.

How many players do you expect to get?

Just go for MySQL without any hesitation, whether there are less players or huge players, MySQL will make your server smooth and future-ready to face any problem.

EDIT: Looking like a MySQL advert line.

Really it depends on what they want to learn, as to what they should choose. Files are easy.

Not every mode requires MySQL as many would lead you to believe.

I think, you did not understand my question what I mean is that how do I know what kind of saved I use? That is my doubt and thanks for answering excuse the English bad.

People above you gave you answers. If you're not affiliated with words/terms/meaning, you should look them up.

What's the gamemode you are trying to use then if you need to figure that out?

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