Fade any colour to white

Hello. Given starting colour, say 0xBADA55 I need a function which fades it to white by given percentage. So:

pawn Код:
new start = 0xBADA55;
FadeToWhite(start, 1.0); // 100% fade, white 0xFFFFFF
FadeToWhite(start, 0.5); // 50% fade, less green, more white, somewhere around 0xC4D392
Did someone already written such function in PAWN?

pawn Код:
FadeToWhite(colour, Float:percent)
    if (percent <= 0.0) {
        return colour;

    if (percent >= 1.0) {
        return 0xFFFFFF;

        r = (colour >> 16) & 0xFF,
        g = (colour >> 8) & 0xFF,
        b = colour & 0xFF,
        dr = floatround((0xFF - r) * percent),
        dg = floatround((0xFF - g) * percent),
        db = floatround((0xFF - b) * percent)

    return ((r + dr) << 16) + ((g + dg) << 8) + (b + db);
Good enough

YSI had something along these lines, or something ****** did had it...

He had color to color, and fades, and all things madness.

I know, it's still there in y_text https://github.com/Misiur/YSI-Includ....inc#L442-L455 just not as a self-contained function

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