[FilterScript] Register And Login System With Clickable Textdraws(MySQL R41+)

Originally Posted by TomCarter
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When I try to run this, I get: http://imgur.com/reBnKs9

Next time use ******, read the cause and download the correct official Windows C++ thingy.

"File Not Found"
bro use Mediafire Or PasteBin
change the link another time

new link or pastebin ?

Bro, i have a problem. I've added all in its respective folder but when I join to the server nothing happens.

MySQL.amx and .pwn <- I added them to filterscripts obviously, when I compiled it showed an error which was missing a_mysql.inc (main folder/pawno/include) and mysql.dll (plugins folder) and I downloaded and installed them.

After that I join to the server to check it out and nothing happens, what am I doing wrong? I'm using switch gamemode https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=5236 there was missing a register and login script so I tried to add this one but it doesn't work.


Originally Posted by leon44
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Bro, i have a problem. I've added all in its respective folder but when I join to the server nothing happens.

MySQL.amx and .pwn <- I added them to filterscripts obviously, when I compiled it showed an error which was missing a_mysql.inc (main folder/pawno/include) and mysql.dll (plugins folder) and I downloaded and installed them.

After that I join to the server to check it out and nothing happens, what am I doing wrong? I'm using switch gamemode https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=5236 there was missing a register and login script so I tried to add this one but it doesn't work.

You need a mysql host to store the database and put the correct credentials in fs.

Originally Posted by Debjit
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You need a mysql host to store the database and put the correct credentials in fs.
How can I do that mate?

Originally Posted by leon44
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How can I do that mate?
Put your credentials here at line 138

Originally Posted by x3378
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To set up the mysql database that you will use(line 13
pawn Код:
handle = mysql_connect("host", "user", "password", "database");

Originally Posted by Debjit
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Put your credentials here at line 138
How can I know which are my credentials? I don't know how to use very well MySQL, thus I don't know what I'm supposed to do in that line, give an example or something please.


Okay I finally got to understand what Debjit was saying but It's not working yet, I set it up with my credencials as he said, in this case:

handle = mysql_connect("", "root", "", "adrenalineracingdb");
Here a pic of phpMyAdmin + the Wampserver online while tried to run samp-server.exe: https://prnt.sc/gr1nr3

Is missing something there or did I something wrong?

I didnt saw the codes whether the tables are created from the gamemode or not but you need to insert tables into the database and also create the rows.

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