To samp developers :)

Hello, i'd like to ask you for a function.
As you might know, you can't communiticate filter scripts with gamemodes with a direct function, you need to create a file or do somethng like that. i'd like to ask you for a function like SendFilterscriptString or SendFilterscriptInt and same for gamemode.
that would be very useful for filter-script users and also you can make something like public OnGameModeRecieveMessage.
Please reply me

Yes you can. Use properties. Check my sig.

Just remember to check all of the 0.3 functions in before asking for functions to be added that were already added on the release.

[EDIT]: - I apologize if I edited to late, but I forgot to post here the link that directs you to the SA:MP 0.3 BETA functions.

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