20.09.2017, 12:36

— Forums: http://forum.u-rp.com/index.php
— Discord: https://discord.gg/zCWQjap
Soon to open for beta-testing.
We make sure to run a community that's always fair and fun for everyone. If you are an experienced role player, this is the right place for you. If you are a novice role player you are very welcome as well but always make sure to read all of the rules to make sure that you have the smoothest role play experience as possible.
The server started development in September 2017 and is worked on daily. The script is a work in progress, however it is our plan to launch beta-testing in a few weeks time, if not less than that. Our script is worked on and tested by the minute, so we are making progress every tick of the clock. Our purpose is simple: we want to create a new, enjoyable roleplay community with high standards and different features that the rest. We do not make promises we can't keep.

- Interdependent jobs
Jobs on our server are going to be intertwined. Lumberjacking, farming, trucking, carpentry, mining, metal scrapping and vehicle repairing will require the mild success of each job, allowing for an equal interest when it comes to choosing the perfect job for you.
We’re having a handful of interesting jobs that are all combined. And like this, it’s always easy to implement new jobs, combining them with each other in future updates. Our hope is that once the community sprouts, new ideas will be thought of and suggested. For all the trucking lovers out there: this makes the trucker job pretty interesting and a great thing to roleplay around; it's not just checkpoint driving anymore. However, our soon-to-launch devblog will have much more information on this subject.
Noticed that we ditched the taxi job? We haven't. We are, however, changing how the taxi job works. We are introducing an Uber-like transportation company which everyone can join, aslong as their character meets some criteria. We are always thinking about new features to add to this system; as of now, our thoughts for features are as follows:- Use your phone to call the transportation service.
- If your request has been acknowledged and accepted, an icon will appear on your HUD's minimap, showing you the location of your driver, in 5 seconds intervals.
- Once the driver has arrived, you must click on the map to set the destination.
- Has the destination is set, a checkpoint will be created for both players, mimicking a GPS system like Uber has.
As we try to progress and become a bigger server, we are actively looking for players who are going to be responsible for shaping the interiors and exteriors of our city. You're not only expected to be productive but also expected to be creative and meet deadlines. You will need knowledge of mapping, specifically in roleplay servers which require special attention to structure, texture and design. Dedication and commitment are also expected from you, as we will need to work hard in order to launch the server as soon as possible with great mapping additions. Interested in becoming part of the staff and help shape our server? Click here: Mapper Applications. - Sprouting equal roleplay opportunities for legal and illegal factions
On SAMP roleplay servers it's common and totally understandable that people want to live out their criminal minds and join/create illegal organizations or try out governmental factions such as the Police Department or the Fire Department.
Since we, the server staff, think, that legal roleplay next to the governmental factions is something great and important to have on a roleplay server, as it adds roleplay opportunities and realism, we'd love to encourage legal roleplayers to the fullest. That being said, with a decent concept of a legal faction and a reasonable activity, there's not much in your way to becoming official and being granted with things you need, to pull your faction off properly.
Together, we can find a way to fulfill your needs: maps, scripted systems, a money pool for faction vehicles or whatever you can think of. Official legal factions also have our full support when it comes to the aspects mentioned before.
It's completely up to you, what kind of faction you want to create - a player owned truck haul company, a funeral company, a mechanic shop, a tuning garage, a sawmill, a transit company, a record label, a social facility, a school - just be creative. We'll support you, wherever and however we can.

As mentioned several times in this thread, our gamemode is still under development. Therefore, we are not able to set release date nor we are going to set a beta-testing date. We can, however, say that beta-testing will happen a few weeks from now. We are working on complex systems for 10 hours since the 17th of September so that we can take a step closer to the next phase as soon as possible.
We invite each and one of you over to test out or gamemode, when the time comes. Our promise is that your time will not be wasted when you and others help out with testing possible bugs and forwarding suggestions to the development team — we will be looking at fixing bugs as soon as possible and evaluating your suggestions. Beta testing will occur when we raffle out test accounts to our forum members. Therefore, if you want to check out our server before it goes live, register on our forums!
As aforementioned, we are looking for mappers right now. I have a left a link above, but you are able to check the thread in our forums. Mappers will have immediate access to a test account as they will be part of the staff. Requirements are mentioned in the forum thread. We are also actively looking for a leader for the Los Santos Fire Department — enquiries about this subject belong to our forums.
That's all, for now. We will leave you with a link to our Discord channel, so you can start chatting with us right away! This is a very primitive advertisement, and we hope to create another one before the beta-testing occurs. We also hope that this advertisement arouses interest among the SA:MP players that are looking for a new, modern and stress-free roleplay experience!
Wishing everyone the best,
the staff of Universal Roleplay.