Is SA-MP Dead?

Everything dies some day.

Nope, not dead.

As long as people are still making gamemodes, people playing on servers it would never die, maybe it's less popular, but definitely not dead, the mod and the game being old have nothing to do with the problems we're facing,
would you say the Internet is dead? No, It's older than sa-mp, but why isn't it dead? It's because people are still using it.

Originally Posted by Variable™
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You should understand from that thread that people were saying SA:MP is dying years ago and made false predictions on how long it would live, yet it didn't die. Which means that it may live long, or may not, which isn't an important subject. Let's just play the damn game till it dies maybe?
Yeah but that time there were still updates, now there ain't no updates.

Originally Posted by Aira
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now there ain't no updates.
There was an update last week, or were you not paying attention?

Originally Posted by Crystallize
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You're just being an ass and trashtalking ever since you registered here, you're trashtalking samp in general.I see many unique servers out there with potential yet you claim they are all LEAKED/DISAPPEARED oh you know why? Because idiot players like you prefer to play in a server which everyone can host it (released script) rather than joining into the unique servers and play there , but no you claim they are dead of course they will die because everyone loses motivation in the end if they don't get enough players for something that they spent years working on.

For example my server "zombie mode" is running since 2012/2013 and it had 100 stable playerbase now max I get is 40 and you know why? Because people prefer to go and play in the released scripts rather the unique ones.
You the idiot since i joined i've never said something about SA-MP dead i was always positive, I made a CoD server cause CoD is my favorite GameMode, Why none joins your Unique servers? Maybe cause it is good?
Basically cause it is a piece of shit none likes it

Now what do you expect from new people since kalcor said he don't read our posts cause we're pretty new we don't have enough respect?
Do you think we gonna say "Yeah sure thanks for telling us, We would waste more time become a nerd in the front of PC to earn your respect" ?

If that's what you want then kys,
Also if you gonna call every guy who became/is negative an idiot then ask a beta tester to change your name "IamIdiot", I still remember months ago you was saying "I won't be surprised if SA-MP's player base is just 5K".

Another "is samp dead" thread oh boy keep em coming

No, it's not dead.

Originally Posted by adri[4]Life
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You the idiot since i joined i've never said something about SA-MP dead i was always positive, I made a CoD server cause CoD is my favorite GameMode, Why none joins your Unique servers? Maybe cause it is good?
Basically cause it is a piece of shit none likes it

Now what do you expect from new people since kalcor said he don't read our posts cause we're pretty new we don't have enough respect?
Do you think we gonna say "Yeah sure thanks for telling us, We would waste more time become a nerd in the front of PC to earn your respect" ?

If that's what you want then kys,
Also if you gonna call every guy who became/is negative an idiot then ask a beta tester to change your name "IamIdiot", I still remember months ago you was saying "I won't be surprised if SA-MP's player base is just 5K".

Originally Posted by adri[4]Life
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Just replying to someone, Problem ?
Your reply is irrelevant to the subject. What's the damn relation between what you know from programming languages and samp is dying?

Originally Posted by Variable™
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Your reply is irrelevant to the subject. What's the damn relation between what you know from programming languages and samp is dying?
Yes it is, The question is haven't you ever did same huh? Everyone does...

Also what's the damn relation between the post you just posted and samp is dying ?

Enough with the failed posts and shit. Let this thread die now fucks.

Originally Posted by adri[4]Life
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Yes it is, The question is haven't you ever did same huh? Everyone does...
Originally Posted by adri[4]Life
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I know how life works already There is no big difference between in real life shits and gaming communities both has:
What? no.

San Andreas Multiplayer's modification is indeed /NOT/ dead, calling a modification "dead" overall is ridiculous, but meh. Seems like since all those years, people haven't understod what a modification is, and what a dead community is. However, SA:MP is not dead. Here's why..

So SAMP stopped getting yearly updates, but yet we have increased with active and former players over the year, servers are growing but some servers are losing their playerbase and ending up in the trashcan. San Andreas is a very old game that most people can't even identify these days, let's face the fact that San Andreas is not as common as it once used to be, and that's understandable, years has passed and new more interesting games has been created. But the fact that San Andreas is constructed the way it is, that makes the game so unique that people still play this game. I grow up as a 5 year old to watch my brothers play San Andreas on PlayStation 2, and never did I know that I once was gonna place years of education of this game in my life once I became 10 or whatever. The fact that San Andreas has got the ability to do what it can at its current stage, is what Rockstar has lived on, any of you older members remember the day everyone was waiting for San Andreas to be released? Yeah, it was a big change to the gaming community to be honest. Never have I seen a game such as San Andreas, with the same concept. We have no idea how many people are still playing San Andreas Singleplay, and we never will be able to get that amount. But that doesn't matter, because let's go deep into SAMP; SAMP has been a life changing to lots of people here, takie Y_Less for one, or what about Vince (who just left samp though)? They were inspired of what SAMP was able to do and learnt scripting that way, and from there they went on to programming and so on. SAMP has changed many people's life, even if Kye, or you or the community overall can't face it. SAMP has always been a big part of the game, and if it wouldn't been for Kalcor starting this project whether he was alone or not, you all wouldn't be asking this question, "Is SAMP dead?". Because it's not dead, just fucking check the amount of servers running at this current timestamp; 3540 servers are currently online, go check on other games such as CS:GO for one, 52128, yeah, that's a lot, right? But atleast 30/40.000 of them are inactive and running on empty dedicated servers that no one is using, let's check on PUBG; actually, couldn't find a count of servers, but I did find a count of players, which is; 603,494, now before you judge that amount, the average players is; 359,723.
Now those games are the most popular ones in the real time, for example, both games has got ES leagues and champions. They're played as a competition and they've got weekly or atleast monthly updates for whatever reason they need. Most common is for sure glitch and bug fixes. Let's look at SA:MP, have we got any security bugs or glitches to be fixed? No, because Kye has already fixed what he can, just look at R2-2, he fixed the query flood thingy. That makes it clear that the project of SAMP has not died, it's still at life. Now let's look at the players of SAMP; 55860, oh, before everyone go and be like: "THOSE ARE ALL BOTS U FUCKING TWAT", no they're not. How do I know? Oh well, it's easy. How do you know they're bots? Where's your proof of every server with a high player amount has bots? Exactly, you don't have any proofs, oh don't come and be like "I DONT NEED PROOF YOU BASTARD", you're right, we're not in the United State's court of law. But what have you got to back your end up anyway? Nothing. Yet you all come and complain that SAMP is dying, that servers are using bots. Why the hell would you care anyway?! There's no fucking reason to play on a server with a 500 playerbase than a 100 playerbase. Personally, I'd play on a 100 playerbase, because we all know that server admins in the SAMP community can't handle the server at a playerbase over 50. Ha-ha.

Since we said that SAMP has got 55-860 players online right now, and it's about to go night in Europe, how can you possible say that SAMP is dying? I would understand like.. if we was like 10.000 to 5.000 players online, but we're up at fucking 55 thousands! That's now how it is when a server is dying, trust me, it's not. Do you want to see an actual community that's dying? Good old Habbo, They've gone that low that they even removed the online users bubble from their site, you can't check how many players is online, and trust me, it's under 1.000, guess how many players they used to have? Mhm, over 50.000, I'm not sure about how many, but I believe at one point they had 300.000 (I'M REALLY NOT SURE, I DON'T REMEMBER A LOT). Now that's what I call a dying community, including Habbo Retros, which is the reason I learnt scripting and programming. They used to have retros with atleast 3.000 players online, but now, the max you get is 30 on a retro. There's not a damn habbo retro with over 100 players online left.

In fact, as I said earlier, we're even growing still

Now is that enough of an answer for you?

Thread locked because OP doesn't know how to behave, and no it's not dead there's still multiple thriving communities, you don't need a sa-mp update to constantly improve your server.

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