function to move camera

I have created the following code

pawn Код:
VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cObjetoToy][0] = CreateDynamicObject(VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cToy][0], VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][0],VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][1],VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][2],VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][3],VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][4],VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][5], 0, 0);
            EditDynamicObject(playerid, VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cObjetoToy][0]);
The problem is that I can not move the camera to better visualize the object. I use the streamers plugin V2.9.1.

Am I missing a function?

+ Rep to whom help me.

Hold the spacebar and then move your mouse, if you're referring to moving the camera as the player.

This is noted on the wiki page:

Solved. Thank you MP2.


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