Clickable Textdraws versus default dialogs

The title says it all, what would you rather see and why? (For login and registration)

I'm creating a game mode right now and I first made text draws, but then rewrote everything to dialogs, meh.

texdraws are nicer looking but you still need dialogs for the input so when you mix two styles like that it tends to look funny... so i choose dialogs only

for register/login use dialogs (password input)

This was how I first made it: (note unlisted)

Would you rather see such or just plain dialogs?

Originally Posted by Meller
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This was how I first made it: (note unlisted)

Would you rather see such or just plain dialogs?
looks amazing

Dialog is better then textdraw

Hard to say, depends on the situation and how they're implemented. Dialogs are easy to set up and can support a lot of text, in terms of both length and character sets. The big downside is that they are clearly a layer on top of the original game and they miss a lot of customization options. The fact that you're limited to two buttons is also somewhat annoying since some dialogs would benefit from three buttons (yes, no and cancel; previous, next and cancel).

Textdraw provides much more customization and adheres to the original feel of the game but it cannot display a lot of text and it is very hard to do right. Textdraw can look very amateurish in an otherwise good gamemode which kind of sends mixed signals to the players.

So in the end I'd say: if you have lots of text use dialogs, if you want customization use textdraw.

Clickable textdraws are of course nicer looking. But for most of the things, I would go with dialogs as they are nicer plus textdraws are a bit different depending on the resolution. Also it's more work to do it with txds.

Dialog looks good

I would go with dialogs instead of textdraws. As Astralis mentioned "textdraws are a bit different depending on the resolution" and Vince "Hard to say, depends on the situation and how they're implemented.", I agree with them both.

If you want Login/register good, then use Textdraw(If you know how to make good textdraw)
If you want to Easy, then use DIALOG

If you had full client keyboard detection, textdraw method would be the best...
But for now this is impossible so I vote for dialogs.

Like most people already said it depends. I can find some servers having way too many textdraws and it's confusing. If you can create something that can be reused in terms of textdraws then that is cool!

Make both an option, people have different likings.

Gonna bump this a bit, the voting is only differing by 3 votes.

Clickable textdraws + Dialogs

Originally Posted by Meller
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Gonna bump this a bit, the voting is only differing by 3 votes.
Maybe you don't have to choose one and dismiss the other completely.
People already explained why. You should use them both and use them wisely.

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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Maybe you don't have to choose one and dismiss the other completely.
People already explained why. You should use them both and use them wisely.
I understand that, I just want to see a few more answers.

Have both options...

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