[GameMode] xMovie Server (movie-making/map editor/freeroam/minigames - MySQL/IRC/GeoIP/etc)

Long story short:
- If you are only interested in the commands, scroll down to the list.
- xMovie is a mix of freeroam and stunt but mainly for movie making, check my post history for several movies that were posted back in the day.
- Project is available as a git repository in case there are bugs making the game unplayable, other people can push important bug fixes.
- 10 year old project that I haven't maintained for the last 5 years besides removing sensitive data and recompiling, and I will not in the future.
- All important setup instructions can be found in the README.
- 400+ commands including the ones for VIP and admin.
- The project works out of the box (download&play after changing RCON password).
- MySQL database is optional, but recommended for some VIP/admin commands and minigames.
- Has several minigames copchase/nadeball/dm/race/russian roulette, the only minigame I never got to finish is warzone (locked by default)
- IRC, MySQL, GeoIP, DNS, Audio, Streamer, DJson, sscanf2, Whirlpool plugins included.
- Original maps, derbies and races are not included which may make the server look empty upon joining, load your own temporary maps using ingame commands or permanent maps in the gamemode/mapeditor filterscript.

Some other info during this project / Fun facts:
- Project started in 2007, stopped development in 2012.
- Formerly known as Xflo, Rebel and MrPepino.
- SA-MP Beta Tester dugi can be seen in a May 2007 screenshot wearing the [PP] clan tag in public chat (from 10 Years of Samp thread), this project started when I was one of the remaining Power Pimps-clan admins.
- [MOB]finch can also be seen standing in the same screenshot above.
- Originally stunt mode, focus changed to movie making.

Special thanks to (as I remember their names at that time):
- [MOB]finch & [MOB]ReGeX for providing a server and code that helped form the fundamental layer of the project.
- spacemud for providing and maintaining the server post-[MOB].
- [FRAG]B for donating mapping revenue for the server.


README (version at bottom of download page has better formatting):
List of commands as copied, may not be 100% complete:
General Cmds   -   Description
  /HELP P(LAYER)  -   Player commands
  /HELP V(EHICLE) -   Vehicle commands
  /HELP T(ELEPORT)    -   Teleport commands
  /HELP O(BJECT)  -   Object commands
  /HELP M(ISC)    -   Miscellaneous commands
  /HELP PREMIUM(/VIP/DONATE)  -   Premium commands
  /HELP ADMIN -   Admin commands    

Player Cmds -   Description
  /RULES  -   View the server rules
  /REGISTER   -   Register an account on xmovie
  /LOGIN  -   Login to your account
  /SETPASS    -   Change your password
  /VIPS   -   List online vips
  /ADMINS -   List online admins
  /GOD    -   Enable godmode
  /VGOD   -   Enable godmode for visual damage
  /REPORT -   Report rulebreakers to admins
  /IRC    -   Send messages to IRC
  /PM -   Send a private message to a player
  /R  -   Quickly respond to last private message
  /PMS    -   Block personal messages
  /VIP    -   View benefits of a VIP account
  /S (SKIN)   -   Set your own skin
  /SSEL   -   Scroll through available skins
  /KILL   -   Goodbye, cruel world!
  /WORLD  -   Set your virtual world
  /COLOUR -   Set your player (blip) colour
  /MONEY  -   Set your own money [Rich in Seconds]
  /GROUP  -   Manage group chat options
  /FPS    -   Shows your FPS
  /FPSLIMIT   -   Set your games FPS Limit
  /FI(GHT)    -   Set your fight style
  /ICONS  -   Enable/disable map icons
  /EXIT   -   Leave a minigame in progress
  /DM -   Start a deathmatch
  /SPECDM -   Observe a deathmatch in progress
  /DERBY  -   Start a derby
  /DERBYLIST  -   View the list of derby arenas
  /RR -   Start a game of Russian Roulette
  /SPIN   -   Spin the cylinder in Russian Roullete
  /FIRE   -   Fires your weapon in Russian Roullete
  /COPCHASE   -   Start a cop chase in Russian Roullete
  /NAMEON -   Set nametags on
  /NAMEOFF    -   Set nametags off
  /JUMP   -   Normal jump
  /SJUMP  -   Super jump
  /HJUMP  -   High jump
  /RADIO(2)   -   Toggle the radio on and off
  /OSTICK -   Stick an object to you or your vehicle
  /OSETSTICK  -   Set the position of a sticky object
  /OREPLACE   -   Replace a sticky object with another
  /OUNSTICK   -   Remove a sticky object
  /OSTICKS    -   Open selection mode for a sticky object
  /OSTICKSOFF/ON  -   Toggle sticky objects visibility
  /POSTICK    -   Attach an object to yourself
  /POSETSTICK -   Set the position of an attached object
  /POREPLACE  -   Replace an attached object with another
  /POUNSTICK  -   Remove an attached object
  /POSTICKS   -   Open selection mode for an attached object
  /POSTICKSOFF/ON -   Toggle attached objects visibility
  /NOFIRE -   Remove nearby fire
  /PLAYERS    -   View server statistics
  /AHELP(2)   -   Animations menu
  /PISS   -   Have a wee-wee
  /ACTIONS    -   View a list of possible animations
  /HANDSUP    -   Stick 'em up, pardner
  /STOPANIM   -   Stop your current animation   

Vehicle Cmds    -   Description
  /V (VEHICLE)    -   Spawn a vehicle
  /VX (VEHICLEX)  -   Spawn inside a vehicle
  /CC (CHANGECAR) -   Change your vehicle
  /VDESTROY   -   Destroy a vehicle
  /VSEL   -   Scroll through available vehicle colours
  /TOW    -   Drag a vehicle
  /FIX    -   Replenish your car health to maximum
  /SPRAY  -   Repair your vehicle and visual damage
  /TUNE   -   Tune car
  /NOS    -   Add 10x NOS
  /DELNOS -   Remove NOS
  /EJECT  -   Remove player from car
  /CARCOLOUR  -   Set car colour
  /SETVEH(ICLE)   -   Set vehicle attributes
  /TIRES  -   Pop tyres of your vehicle
  /NUMBERPLATE    -   Customize your numberplate
  /MS (MOVESPEED) -   Speed modification
  /SS (SETSPEED)  -   Set speed power
  /SR (SETROTATION)   -   Set rotation speed
  /PANELS -   Customize your vehicle (wrecked, ...)
  /DOORS  -   Customize your doors (cracked etc..)
  /LIGHTS -   Set status of your vehicle lights
  /L (LOCK)   -   Lock your vehicle
  /UL (UNLOCK)    -   Unlock your vehicle
  /FLIP   -   Reorient your vehicle
  /RAMPS  -   Toggle ramps (use KEY_SPRINT)
  /AF (ANTIFALL)  -   Toggle anti-fall
  /WRECK  -   Destroy your vehicle visually
  /VEHICLES   -   Count vehicles spawned by players
  /VEHICLES2  -   Count ALL vehicles on the server      

Teleport Cmds   -   Description
  /LS -   Teleport to Los Santos
  /SF -   Teleport to San Fierro
  /LV -   Teleport to Las Venturas
  /GOTO   -   Teleport to another player
  /ITELEPORTS -   Teleports to interior places
  /BURG   -   Teleports to house interiors
  /GOV    -   Teleports to government buildings
  /GIRL   -   Teleports to CJ girlfriend's buildings
  /GYM    -   List of gym interiors
  /STRIP  -   List of strip club interiors
  /POL    -   List of police interiors
  /SPAWN  -   Set your spawn location(s)
  /LOADPOS    -   Load spawn location
  /UNSET  -   Unset spawn location(s)
  /SETSPAWN   -   Change default spawn location
  /SETLOC -   Set your position with coordinates    

Object Cmds -   Description
  /CM (CREATEMAP) -   Create a map
  /LM (LOADMAP)   -   Load a map
  /UNLOADMAP  -   Unload a map
  /VLM (VLOADMAP) -   Load a map in view-only mode
  /VUNLOADMAP -   Unload a map in view only mode
  /EM (EDITMAP)   -   Edit an existing map
  /EMQ (EDITMAPQ) -   Stop editing a map
  /MAPPASS    -   Change the password of a map
  /VIEWPASS   -   View the map password
  /MH (MAPHELP)   -   Invite a player for mapping assistance
  /OC (OCREATE)   -   Create an object
  /OD (ODESTROY)  -   Destroy an object
  /OE (OEDIT) -   Edit an existing object
  /OS (OSAVE) -   Save the current object
  /OX -   Move the object in the x-axis
  /OY -   Move the object in the y-axis
  /OZ -   Move the object in the z-axis
  /RX -   Rotate an object along its x-axis
  /RY -   Rotate an object along its y-axis
  /RZ -   Rotate an object along its z-axis
  /GO -   Teleport to a map object
  /OSELECT    -   Open selection mode for a map object
  /OCHANGE    -   Replace an object with another model
  /OBJECTS    -   Count all the objects on the server   

Misc Cmds   -   Description
  /TEST   -   Are you still connected to the server?
  /JETPACK    -   Spawn a jetpack
  /FLY    -   First-person camera control
  /CSEL   -   Scroll through camera angles
  /W (WEATHER)    -   Set your own weather
  /T (TIME)   -   Scroll through available weathers
  /WSEL   -   Set your own time
  /W2 (WEAPON)    -   Spawn a weapon
  /AFK    -   Teleports you to the AFK tower
  /BACK   -   Removes you from the AFK tower
  /AFKLIST    -   Lists players who are AFK
  /DRUNK  -   Set your drunk level
  /LSD    -   Get HIGH AS FUCK
  /VOTE   -   Vote in a poll
  /HEALTH -   Replenish your health to maximum
  /ARMOUR -   Replenish your armour to maximum
  /ME -   Do and action from the third person
  /BU (BUBBLE)    -   Display hovering text to other players
  /SPE (SPECIAL)  -   View a list of special animations
  /REMOVE -   Disarm yourself of weapons
  /F  -   Freeze your character in position
  /UF -   Unfreeze your character
  /GI (GETINFO)   -   Get information about a player
  /SPEC   -   Observe a player from their perspective
  /RUN    -   List of running styles
  /SKATE  -   Enable skating
  /SWIM   -   Enable swimming
  /TURNGOTO   -   Toggle allowing players to /goto you
  /SKILL  -   Set weapon skill
  /SOUND  -   Play a background song
  /RADIOOFF   -   Disable radio streaming
  /NEWS   -   View latest news
  /LISTENERS(2)   -   View radio listeners
  /JOIN   -   Join the announced race
  /LEAVE  -   Leave the current race
  /READY  -   Player is ready to start.
  /JAILLIST   -   View current jail inmates     

Premium Cmds    -   Description
  /SKIPACLEAR -   Skip automatic clear system
  /ACLEAR -   Clear all objects, vehicles, maps, jetpacks
  /JCLEAR -   Clear all jetpacks
  /VCLEAR -   Clear all vehicles (ALWAYS VOTE!)
  /VECLEAR    -   Clear all empty vehicles (ALWAYS VOTE!)
  /OCLEAR -   Clear all loaded maps (ALWAYS VOTE!)
  /VLIGHTS (DAYTIME)  -   Enable flashing vehicle lights
  /PCOLOUR    -   Set the colour of your text
  /BU2 (BUBBLE2)  -   Display hovering text with expire time
  /LA (LABEL) -   Create a label with text
  /BRING  -   Bring a player to you (ALWAYS ASK!)
  /STREW  -   Drive on floating roads, woo!
  /PAPC   -   Changes your name's colour
  /PACC   -   Changes your vehicle's colour
  /APC    -   Changes player colours server-wide
  /ACC    -   Changes vehicle colours server-wide
  /ODROP  -   Drops an object on someone
  /COUNTDOWN  -   Countdown
  /REMOVESTICK    -   Remove someones osticks (abusers)
  /COPYSTICK  -   Copy another player's (p)osticks
  /SETSKIN    -   Set a player's skin
  /GIVEMONEY  -   Give a player money
  /SETMONEY   -   Set a player's money amount
  /VBEACH -   Load the VIP beach map
  /MAP    -   Manage map-object
  /OBJECT -   Manage any server-object
  /SC -   Save your current vehicle
  /SP -   Bring your saved vehicle
  /RACEHELP   -   Read more about loading races
  /BUILDHELP  -   Read more about building races
  /BUILDRACE  -   Start building a new race (suprising!)
  /CP -   Add a checkpoint
  /SCP    -   Select a checkpoint
  /RCP    -   Replace the current checkpoint
  /MCP    -   Move the selected checkpoint
  /DCP    -   Delete the selected waypoint
  /CLEARRACE  -   Clear the current (new) race.
  /EDITRACE   -   Load an existing race
  /SAVERACE   -   Save the checkpoints to a file
  /SETLAPS    -   Set amount of laps to drive
  /RACEMODE   -   Set the current racemode
  /LOADRACE   -   Load a race from file
  /STARTRACE  -   Start a loaded race
  /ENDRACE    -   Complete the current race
  /BESTLAP    -   Display best lap time for the race
  /BESTRACE   -   Display best race time for the race
  /DELETERACE -   Remove the race from disk
  /AIRRACE    -   Change checkpoints to air-mode
  /CPSIZE -   Changes the checkpoint size
  /PRIZEMODE  -   Set the prize mode of a race
  /SETPRIZE   -   Set the prize of a race   

Admin Cmds  -   Description
  level 1
  /VMDESTROY  -   Destroy all vehicles of a model
  /OSEL   -   Scroll through available objects
  /CLOGIN -   Login as clone from an admin account
  /CLOGOUT    -   Logout of
  /MAPINFO    -   Get information about a map
  /MAPS   -   View maps currently loaded
  /AHUT   -   Load the admin hut map
  /AAIRPORT   -   Load the admin airport map
  /AMANSION   -   Load the admin mansion map
  /GETID  -   Get object attributes from your map
  /SETCOLOURS -   Toggle usage of /pcolour
  /RESETANDROMADA -   Reset the Andromada entry checkpoint
  /RESETRR    -   Reset the Russian Roulette minigame
  /RESETDERBY -   Reset the Derby minigame
  /RESETGROUP -   Reset all group chats
  /RESETCC    -   Reset the Copchase minigame
  /SETT (SETTIME) -   Set time of server for all players
  /SETW (SETWEATHER   -   Set weather of server for all players
  /SLAP   -   Slap a player like a bitch
  /HIDE   -   Toggle visibility of your admin status
  /SAY    -   Talk as an admin
  /ANNOUNCE   -   Announce something to all players
  /WARN   -   Warn a player for rulebreaking
  /GOTOSEAT   -   Teleport into somebody's vehicle
  /MINIGUNS   -   List all players with a minigun
  /CLEAR  -   Clear the chatbox
  /TOGGLEMSG  -   Toggle admin messages
  /GIVEWEAPON -   Give a weapon to a play
  /PANNOUNCE  -   Announce to a specific player
  /CANNOUNCE  -   Announce to players without group
  /ADVERT -   Advert message in the text chat
  level 2
  /SETINTERIOR    -   Set a player's interior
  /FREEZE -   Freeze a player
  /UNFREEZE   -   Unfreeze a player
  /JAIL   -   Jail a player
  /UNJAIL -   Unjail a player
  /MUTE   -   Mute a player or global chat
  /UNMUTE -   Unmute a player or global chat
  /KNIFE  -   Knife a player
  /UNLOCKALL  -   Unlock a specific vehicle or all vehicles
  /KICK   -   Kick a player from the server
  /DISARM -   Remove all weapons from a player
  /SETWORLD   -   Set a player's world
  /FORCESPAWN -   Force a player to spawn
  /FORCECLASS -   Force a player to class selection
  level 3
  /FORCEMAP   -   Force a map to unload
  /ASAY   -   Print a message to the chatbox
  /SETHEALTH  -   Set a player's health
  /SETARMOUR  -   Set a player's armour
  /CARHEALTH  -   Set the damage level of a player's car
  /SETGOD -   Toggle server-wide /god
  /JOINCREW   -   Join a group without an invite
  /LEAVECREW  -   Leave a group
  /STRIKE -   Strike a player with lightning
  /CW (CLEARWARNINGS) -   Remove a player's warnings
  /AKILL  -   Kill a player
  /EXPLODE    -   BOOM
  /BIGBANG    -   BOOM x2
  /FORCESAY   -   Force a player to say something
  /FORCEIRC   -   Force an IRC user to say something
  /BLOCK  -   Block a player's commands
  /UNBLOCK    -   Unblock a player's commands
  /BAN    -   Ban a player from the server
  /INFO   -   Get connection information for a player
  /IPMATCH    -   Search for names matching an IP
  /SETTAGS    -   Block a player's commands
  /SETGOTO    -   Unblock a player's commands
  /SETCHAT    -   Ban a player from the server
  /AEJECT -   Get connection information for a player
  /HOSTMATCH  -   Search for names matching an IP
  /NAMEMATCH  -   Search for names [begins with name]
  /NAMEMATCH2 -   Search for names [contains name]
  level 4
  /CONVERT    -   Convert and export a map
  /CLEARMAP   -   Empty all objects from a map
  /SETMAP -   Set your map
  /MYMAP  -   Get your map's ID
  /PILL   -   A dose of happiness
  /SETG (SETGRAVITY)  -   Set server-wide gravity
  /SETDRUNK   -   Set server-wide drunk level
  /BIGBANG2   -   BOOM x2
  /PWN    -   Block, mute and jail a player
  /UNPWN  -   Unblock, unmute and unjail a player
  /FORCECMD   -   Force a player to do a command
  /FORCEANIM  -   Force a looped animation on a player
  /FORCESANIM -   Force a player to do an animation
  /FORCESEAT  -   Force a player into your vehicle
  /FORCEPOSTICK   -   Force a player to apply a postick
  /FORCEPOSTICK2  -   Force postick on players within range
  /GMX    -   Restart the gamemode
  /POO    -   Magic based excretion
  /SETNAME    -   Set a player's name
  /PLAY   -   Play an URL stream to xAudio listeners
  /PAUSE  -   Pause the URL stream on xAudio
  /RESUME -   Resume the URL stream on xAudio
  /SPLAY  -   Stop the URL stream to xAudio listeners
  /FSETNAME   -   Fake-disconnect and change name
  /MOTD   -   Message Of The Day
  /ADDTELE    -   Add a new teleportation for ptele
  /DERBYHELP  -   Read information regarding the derby
  /ADDDERBY   -   Add a new derby to the database
  /SETDVEH    -   Set the vehicle for a derby
  /SETDMODE   -   Set the play mode of a derby
  /SETDHEIGHT -   Set the fall-off height for a derby
  /SETDSPAWN  -   Set a spawn for a derby
  /SETDCENTER -   Set the center of a map for a derby
  /SETDMAP    -   Set a map for a derby
  /DELDSPAWN  -   Delete a spawn in derby
  /SETEVENTS  -   Disable server-wide events
  /LOCKEVENT  -   Lock server-wide events for non-vips
  /FORCECMDB  -   Force a bot to perform a command
  /FORCEANIMB -   Force a looped animation on bots
  /FORCESANIMB    -   Force a bot to perform an animation
  /FORCEDEATH -   Force a player to "die"
  /PLAY2  -   Stream audio over SA-MP
  level 5
  /SETVIP -   Promote a player to VIP
  /REMOVEVIP  -   Demote a VIP to player
  /SETADMIN   -   Promote a player or VIP to admin
  /REMOVEADMIN    -   Demote an admin to player
  /SETLEVEL   -   Set an admin's admin level
  /CONNECT    -   Connect a bot to the server
  /ANN    -   Announce a message below screen
  /ANNSTOP    -   Stop the announcement
  /CRX    -   Crash a player
  /DELTELE    -   Delete a teleportation
  /DELDERBY   -   Delete a derby
  /SGOTO  -   Silently teleport to a player
  /MYSQL  -   Reconnect database

IRC Cmds
xMovie Server (SA-MP)
This project is about 10 years old by now, but has not been maintained for 5 years. The source files from 0.3e were only modified to get rid of sensitive data and recompiled to work with 0.3.7-R2. I can gladly say the gamemode has been quite a success in those years. As a fan of open source projects, I have finally decided to publish the server files for people to fiddle with before they are lost forever.

1. Download a zipped copy or clone the repository.
2. Extract project locally and/or copy the necessary files to your own existing server.
3. Configure server.cfg accordingly (RCON password, etc).
4. Run server.

Optional but recommended:
- MySQL database required for storing certain data (player/VIP/admin accounts, player history, preferences, account-/ip-/hostbans, custom teleports, chat ads, server statistics, warzone minigame and IRC memo's). № І
- Keep the IRC filterscript loaded for optimal use of all admin commands, even if you do not use IRC (loads but doesn't connect to IRC server). і

№ For local servers:
1. Install XAMPP to run a local MySQL server.
2. Start Apache and MySQL services in XAMPP.
3. Open phpMyAdmin (MySQL Admin) > Import > browse to import_database_structure.sql in project > Go.
4. Leave MySQL login credentials as they are in the scripts.

І For public servers:
1. You are assumed to already have a working MySQL server.
2. Open phpMyAdmin (MySQL Admin) > Import > browse to import_database_structure.sql in project > Go.
3. Adjust MySQL login credentials in IRC filterscript and gamemode (ctrl+f MYSQL_IP).

і For IRC functionality:
- Adjust IRC login and channel credentials in IRC filterscript and gamemode (ctrl+f IRC_SERVER, IRC_CHANNEL), otherwise leave as they are.

- RCON login will grant you admin level 5 access, set 6 (highest configured) manually in database if needed.
- Original maps, derbies and races are not included. These can be added using ingame commands.
- You will certainly come across poor coding practices from my time as a newbie to PAWN, adding new things were 
- given a higher priority over improvement  because it simply already worked.

The following plugins are included:
- Streamer Plugin v2.9.1 - Incognito (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...7.45538844- DJson v1.6.2 - DracoBlue (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...7.45538844- IRC Plugin v1.4.8 Non-SSL - Incognito (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...7.45538844- sscanf2 v2.8.2 - Y_Less (Emmet_ & maddinat0r fix) (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...7.45538844- MySQL R7 - BlueG (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=56564 - redownload for other distr than Ubuntu)
- Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 - Incognito (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...7.45538844- GeoIP Plugin v0.1.4 - Totto8492 (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...7.45538844- DNS Plugin v2.4 - Incognito (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...7.45538844- Whirlpool - Y_Less (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570945)


10 year old project that I haven't maintained for the last 5 years besides removing sensitive data and recompiling, and I will not in the future.

Wow.. good job mate.

Nice released bro! Keep it up.

Nice release,

Why did you came back after this long inactivity?

Originally Posted by Roozevelt
View Post
Why did you came back after this long inactivity?
Obviously, to release this work lol.

Originally Posted by Roozevelt
View Post
Why did you came back after this long inactivity?
After he made the thread, he immediately left, lol.

Funny, why did you release this?

Is this the original movie server, shown above one ,
Im confused with the same name.

o shit boy

Heard about xMovie Server, however it's your decision.

good job

Originally Posted by TommyB
View Post
o shit boy
You know you and your script made it big time when TommyB or Mmartin posts on it.

Oh shit it's xMovie!
Great release man, but why did you released it?


Troll commands xD. I think I will use them in my troll gm. xD


Originally Posted by Ultraz
View Post
Oh shit it's xMovie!
Great release man, but why did you released it?
It's an outdated project that could be improved to current standards by people who are still actively engaged with this game's community, either for personal or public use.

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[18:39:19] Server Plugins
[18:39:19] --------------
[18:39:19]  Loading plugin: mysql

  > MySQL plugin R7 successfully loaded.

[18:39:19]   Loaded.
[18:39:19]  Loading plugin: irc

*** IRC Plugin v1.4.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[18:39:19]   Loaded.
[18:39:19]  Loading plugin: streamer
[18:39:20]   Failed.
[18:39:20]  Loading plugin: sscanf
[18:39:20]   Failed.
[18:39:20]  Loading plugin: dns

*** DNS Plugin v2.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[18:39:20]   Loaded.
[18:39:20]  Loading plugin: geoip
[18:39:20] GeoIP_Plugin got loaded.
[18:39:20]   Loaded.
[18:39:20]  Loading plugin: audio

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[18:39:20]   Loaded.
[18:39:20]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[18:39:20]  ==================
[18:39:20]   Whirlpool loaded
[18:39:20]  ==================
[18:39:20]   Loaded.
[18:39:20]  Loaded 6 plugins.

[18:39:20] Filterscripts
[18:39:20] ---------------
[18:39:20]   Loading filterscript 'irc.amx'...
[18:39:20]   Loading filterscript 'mdebug.amx'...
  * SA:MP DEBUG 2.0   *
[18:39:20]   * By Simon Campbell *
[18:39:20]   * Version: 2.0      *
[18:39:20]   * -- LOADED         *

[18:39:20]   Loading filterscript 'FingexMapEditor.amx'...
[18:39:20]   Loading filterscript 'anim.amx'...
[18:39:20]   Loading filterscript 'sanim.amx'...
[18:39:20]   Loading filterscript 'yrace.amx'...
[18:39:20] | Yagu's Race Filterscript v0.4a |
[18:39:20] +--------------LOADED------------+

[18:39:20]   Loaded 6 filterscripts.

[18:39:20] Script[gamemodes/stunta.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:39:20] Number of vehicle models: 0
Hmm, How to fix this one?

What does mean troll commands?

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