How do you work with object streaming?

I've recently made a few big maps, and when I use CreateDynamicObject the rendering of them on my server really sucks... there are parts of the map in the distance that flicker on / off screen as they load / unload. My map consists of about 800 objects and I use both CreateObject AND CreateDynamicObject (I use CreateObject for bigger things such as trees and buildings and CreateDynamicObject for stuff such as fences, paths...)

This was irritating me, so I converted the whole of my map to CreateObject which worked fine, however the I still kept using CreateDynamicObject for smaller objects. Now, /none/ of the objects created with CreateDynamicObject appear at all, even ones in an interior far away from the main map.

I really don't know how to work with my streamer so my big map will look good. What's the best way to work with the streamer? 300.0 is the default draw distance, but I set all my objects stream distance to 1000.0 / 800.0 - will this cause the flickering issues? If so, what should larger draw distances be used for?

Thank you...

guys i dont know how to fucking edit the distance on codes of objects ?? gimmme a format of it here plz

It's not drawdistance issue. You are using CreateObject and it is taking slots (1000 is max). There are no slots for CreateDynamicObject now so streaming is not working fine.

Try to use priority argument from streaming bigger objects instead of using CreateObject.

I realised that and made the objects dynamic, except for a few which need to be there all the time (the floor, mostly - no more than 20 objects.)

How do I use priority? I've heard about it.

CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Floattreamdistance = STREAMER_OBJECT_SD, Float:drawdistance = STREAMER_OBJECT_DD, areaid = -1, priority = 0)

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