Spawn Vehicles Underground Problem

Everytimne I try to spawn a vehicle in the undergrpound part of area 51 it will always spawn at the ground above. How do i make it so it will spawn below:

CreateVehicle(432,207.7456,1869.7228,13.1574,266.7201,43,0,300); // Rhino

I can't think of a reason why it would go above ground of its own accord unless when the server was started the area wasn't solid, in which case it fell through the ground and appeared back on the top.. This happened to me recently..

Other than that, put it where you want it and /save is the only advice I can give..

go inside of the army base and type /save and it will save the code THEN do it again... and make sure its solid!

I have the same problem, so it's made me just not spawn anything under it..

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