SAMP is Always Crashing

I've been playing SAMP for months, and it might be because I'm using Windows 7, but the client is always crashing right in the middle of the game, and I'm usually driving a fully customized car, and I have to customize it all over again*. It's getting really annoying and after all these weeks I haven't found a solution. I notice it crashes less often it I put the frame limiter on it Options. I get decent framerates, here are my specs:

-Windows 7 32-Bit
-Sparkle nVidia GeForce 8400 GS 512MB DDR2
-Intel Celeron D 2.53GHz
-ForceWare version 186.18 for Windows 7
-Dell Dimension B110
-5mbps cable internet

*P.S. Also, is there a way to store cars in SAMP?
P.P.S. The server I'm always on is Awesome Stuntages, love you guys (The server, lol)


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