22.07.2017, 17:24
Good day, when this public is called, will teleport only one person, and in fact should teleport all.
Player[playerid][lobby_gamer] - works fine I checked.
The problem is somewhere in the public
Player[playerid][lobby_gamer] - works fine I checked.
The problem is somewhere in the public
public game(playerid) { SetTimer("bot_stop", 120000, false); Player[playerid][LastKills] = 0; lobby_start = 0; print("Match started"); SendClientMessageToAll(0x00FF40FF,"game starting"); game_start = 1; spawn_loot(); SetTimer("inplane", 120000, false); foreach(new i:Player) { if(IsPlayerNPC(i)) return true; if(Player[i][lobby_gamer] == 1) { TogglePlayerSpectating(i, 1); PlayerSpectateVehicle(i, AirplaneNPC); SendClientMessage(i, 0x00FFFFFF, "{FF8000}la la la la: {00FF00}F"); Player[i][InPlane] = 1; max_gamers++; max_top++; printf("All survivals: %d", max_gamers); SetPlayerPos(i, 0, 0, 2); return 1; } } return 1; }