[GameMode] The Area 51 Server (Gamemode Script) - Development

The Area 51 Server (Gamemode Script)

Originally created by [RP]Jolteon (Redirect_Left) and [RP]Ettans, The Area 51 Server was a very simple mode that attracted a large player base in SA-MP 0.2- days. It got such heavy traffic, despite its simple gameplay, that it was hosted on the "Official" server tab. The goal of this script is to recreate that very server, albeit, in a user-friendly environment to allow easy modifications of all sizes (from achievements to whole gamemodes). This will be an ongoing project with new features added frequently until it can be deemed a version release (v1.0) with most if not all of the features the original server had. Adding more features or tweaking mechanics to a more sensible manner is a possibility after the first version release. The other goal of this project is to extract the core (as it grows and becomes more well-defined) to a separate framework with a well-documented interface that will serve as a basis for multi-mode servers.

Please note that it has been almost 7 years since the last time I played that server. I will not recall all of the features, achievements, ranks, etc. that were present. If you do happen to recall any, or have general suggestions for the gamemode itself, let me know and I will have them implemented.

As mentioned above, this will be ongoing, and there is no current "full" version for download (despite being completely playable). If you are interested in joining the development or testing of the script please let me know. There is a lot that cannot be tested with one player (and a lot I don't necessarily have the time to test).

General To-Do List:
  • Complete game-play mechanics (achievements, ranks, admin system, anti-hack, etc)
  • Complete script documentation
  • Refine mode management and begin creating proper interface
  • Build stand-alone interface and convert the current script to it
Dependencies (Currently)
  • YSI by ******
  • Whirlpool by ******
  • sscanf2 by ******
  • BUD by Slice
You can view a rather large pool of videos regarding the original server through *******. Simply search "SA-MP Area 51 Server".


First comment.

Nice gamemode

This is an extremely under-rated gamemode. +REP my dude.

Brings back so many memories uhuu. Well done.

Good job!

I do remember this game mode!

Glad to see I'm not the only old timer here!

If you remember anything from the original script please let me know. I'd like to replicate it as closely as possible.

Seems good! Nice job.

Awesome dude!

I literally just remembered San Andreas multiplayer and came here, fearing that it would be an empty ghost town. Glad that's not the case! I remember a script that spawned users near the air base adjacent to Area 51. Is that the same one?

Possibly - the scientist class spawns at the abandoned airfield.

nice gm

Looks good!

Nice gm

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