[NPC] Ultimate *LS* RP NPC Pack

Ultimate Los Santos RolePlay NPC Pack
( __  ___     ___ _ _     )
( \ \ / / |__ ___ / __/ | |_ _ _  )
( \ V /| / _/ -_) (__| | _| || | )
(  \_/ |_\__\___|\___|_|\__|\_, | )
(              |__/  )
(   [NPC] Made By V1ceC1ty    )
(                  )
(      Credits To:      )
(     All The SA-MP Team    )
(      wiki.sa-mp.com     )
• What is it?
The Ultimate RolePlay NPC Pack comes with 8 Bots including: Security Policeman, SA Pilot, 4 Taxi's, Police Biker and 1 Sweeper. The File includes the .rec files, the NPCModes and the .pwn and .amx of 2 FilterScripts. The 2 FilterScripts do different things. "NPCPack" Comes with the same features as stated and as the other FS "NPCPack_Icons" Which includes the Coloured Map Icons while the other has NO Map Icons. All cars/bikes drive round a loop of the area you can see in the Screen Shot below, The Pilot flys around the Whole of SA visiting airports one by one and the Policeman stands in the Police Dept parking booth for extra detail (see below).

• How to use
Each folder has a either a .pwn and .amx or a .rec file which need to be placed into the correct folders where your SA-MP 0.3 Server is located. IT WILL NOT WORK IF NOT DONE CORRECTLY!
Once completed this, "NPCPack" or "NPCPack_Icons" (without quotes) needs to be placed into the server.cfg filterscripts line.
Join your server and watch the NPC's Drive round how they would on SinglePlayer.

• Location
Red Icon - Pilot(Not Featured in ScreenShot)
Blue Icon - Security Policeman
Light Blue Icon - Police Biker
Green Icon - Sweeper
Yellow Icons - Taxi's
• Download


Sweet as man good job.

took me quite abit of time but looks really good, i drove to the speed a normal Ped would, kept to the right side of the road, plane doesnt tilt i used Q + E to turn so you cant fall off. Thanks

This realy nice..

But its not working on my server..

I did it, I add to filterscripts lines the names.
I put the NPC in there folder..

And what? nothing...
I am joining the server at ID 12.. And nobody else on server

make sure the .rec files are in /npcmodes/recordings/

make sure all filterscripts are in the filterscript folder.

make sure all npcmodes are in the npcmodes folder.

make sure there is no server password.

make sure there is no registration before spawning script.

make sure you have the right client/server.

this does work 100%

Is there anyway for it to load them if there is a registration cause yeah I'm using a GF edt.

get them to sendcommand /register whatever then with a timer /login whatever might work?

Originally Posted by Oi!
Is there anyway for it to load them if there is a registration cause yeah I'm using a GF edt.
Under OnPlayerConnect

pawn Code:
if(IsPlayerNPC) {
       PlayerInfo[playerid][Logged] =1;
       PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] =1;
Something like that, whatever it is in GF. Basically just fool the script into thinking the bots are registered and logged in. Works fine for me and my GM.


Okay I get this error

error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call
On this line


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