08.07.2017, 09:36
Recently, i can't sleep during nights...
So i felt like i had an obligation, i feel like i most leave something to pass on to the future generation. i never felt it's okay to come and go in a world without leaving a trace.
and with my past that now alot of you people do know... i guess you do know that it's really hard to lose someone, especialy if that someone is a loved one. i don't really know much when it comes to advanced mathematics, but now that i have my bachelor degree which is kind of a good start, i thought that maybe i can focus on more improving my self..i don't know but science it self is a really good field if you watch a few movie and read history and books about it.
I guess there might be a sort of way to really somehow change the course of histroy if we managed to find a way to this.
Actually, with the current technology we can work thing up thanks to the old generations and scientist that have passed away, that left us with computers that are capable of calculating by extraordinary way.
It's true that human made the calculator but no human was abale to make Extra calculus in about a less than a second, but a machine can.
The truth is i'm starting to think it is possible to helpon technology and serving humanity in good way starting by my self, i always taught of a way but the sentence " Impossible " by members that i know in my surrindings kept me away.
I guess if we could just program a sort of machine or a computer and implementing him with:
- History ( Programing the computer with the Past History of that one )
- Experience ( I mean like reprograming a computer with the exprience of that person )
- Old Decision ( The decisions that the deseased person made through out his life)
- Feelings ( Love - Hatred - Fear - Anger - Sorrow - Joy... these would help on fully understanding the persona of the deseased personne and giving it a higher chance when communicating..)
- Memory ( Good memory of loved ones...Good Music...Great moments in life )
- Thoughts ( Like giving it possibility to think for it self )
- Voice ( Voice programs can now mimic anyones voice, the Secret services does have this technology )
By connecting that computer / machine with the news of today, i guess it could think of it's own. and if that happened and it starts communicatng with us it might, i personaly think if we could program and talk to a phone now and he does understand us, it possible to do so even with another computer...
Imagine that you could just speak to your loved ones in difficult moments, like when your deeply sad and it does speak to you and give you advices by analysing the past information already giving it might think by it's own..even suggesting you what to do... and reminds you of old good memories...ipersonaly really really wants to discuss this topic, if this happen that mean that our parents and loved ones can live for too long even be with us like for more than a life time...
Please when thinking about just don't answer me with the current technology, let you brain dives in the future..
I guess that would make it possible to atleast have a finest discussing with them allowing us to solve many problems
A person A has lost his father in a car crash accident, this person felt so sad because he had was a big atttachement to his father..he felt so depressed that he wants to suicide!
Personne A : Is crying and is total depression...
No Father:
Person A went on and suicided .
Personne A : Is crying and in total depression...
Computer ( Programmed with the personna of his loss ): what are you crying about son, i'm here and i'll always be with you...)
NOTICE: I'm talking about a computer that is not only programmed but capable of thinking of it's own..even giving us advices based on the expriences and decision made of the original
Honestly, guys what do you think ? my mind hurts me whenever ithink about science and what the future could bring...i believe it's possible to make this but the question is how? and can small unit or team work on it and devellope it and if it's done i can garrenty you, you will be making a big mark on history and making us be proud it could make it's owner a billionaire, from my view i guess it's possible to start working on it witha small unit if it has the right equipement!
what do you think ?
WARNING: This thread requires a high level of scientific information and programmage.
This thread is not made for trolling / insulting !
We already have had a topic that have been hijacked so we went allow that to happen here.
Any wrong answer will be automaticly ignored, thanks for your understanding.
So i felt like i had an obligation, i feel like i most leave something to pass on to the future generation. i never felt it's okay to come and go in a world without leaving a trace.
and with my past that now alot of you people do know... i guess you do know that it's really hard to lose someone, especialy if that someone is a loved one. i don't really know much when it comes to advanced mathematics, but now that i have my bachelor degree which is kind of a good start, i thought that maybe i can focus on more improving my self..i don't know but science it self is a really good field if you watch a few movie and read history and books about it.
I guess there might be a sort of way to really somehow change the course of histroy if we managed to find a way to this.
Actually, with the current technology we can work thing up thanks to the old generations and scientist that have passed away, that left us with computers that are capable of calculating by extraordinary way.
It's true that human made the calculator but no human was abale to make Extra calculus in about a less than a second, but a machine can.
The truth is i'm starting to think it is possible to helpon technology and serving humanity in good way starting by my self, i always taught of a way but the sentence " Impossible " by members that i know in my surrindings kept me away.
I guess if we could just program a sort of machine or a computer and implementing him with:
- History ( Programing the computer with the Past History of that one )
- Experience ( I mean like reprograming a computer with the exprience of that person )
- Old Decision ( The decisions that the deseased person made through out his life)
- Feelings ( Love - Hatred - Fear - Anger - Sorrow - Joy... these would help on fully understanding the persona of the deseased personne and giving it a higher chance when communicating..)
- Memory ( Good memory of loved ones...Good Music...Great moments in life )
- Thoughts ( Like giving it possibility to think for it self )
- Voice ( Voice programs can now mimic anyones voice, the Secret services does have this technology )
By connecting that computer / machine with the news of today, i guess it could think of it's own. and if that happened and it starts communicatng with us it might, i personaly think if we could program and talk to a phone now and he does understand us, it possible to do so even with another computer...
Imagine that you could just speak to your loved ones in difficult moments, like when your deeply sad and it does speak to you and give you advices by analysing the past information already giving it might think by it's own..even suggesting you what to do... and reminds you of old good memories...ipersonaly really really wants to discuss this topic, if this happen that mean that our parents and loved ones can live for too long even be with us like for more than a life time...
Please when thinking about just don't answer me with the current technology, let you brain dives in the future..
I guess that would make it possible to atleast have a finest discussing with them allowing us to solve many problems
A person A has lost his father in a car crash accident, this person felt so sad because he had was a big atttachement to his father..he felt so depressed that he wants to suicide!
Personne A : Is crying and is total depression...
No Father:

Person A went on and suicided .
Personne A : Is crying and in total depression...
Computer ( Programmed with the personna of his loss ): what are you crying about son, i'm here and i'll always be with you...)
NOTICE: I'm talking about a computer that is not only programmed but capable of thinking of it's own..even giving us advices based on the expriences and decision made of the original
Honestly, guys what do you think ? my mind hurts me whenever ithink about science and what the future could bring...i believe it's possible to make this but the question is how? and can small unit or team work on it and devellope it and if it's done i can garrenty you, you will be making a big mark on history and making us be proud it could make it's owner a billionaire, from my view i guess it's possible to start working on it witha small unit if it has the right equipement!
what do you think ?
WARNING: This thread requires a high level of scientific information and programmage.
This thread is not made for trolling / insulting !
We already have had a topic that have been hijacked so we went allow that to happen here.
Any wrong answer will be automaticly ignored, thanks for your understanding.
Thanks for reading.