Objects problem

Why i can't see objects onplayerrequestclass i tryed to remove virtual worlds but same...

To show objects in any virtual world use ,-1); at end of the lines.

Also update streamer plugin and includes. CreateDynamicObject should be used.

Keep the Virtual Worlds as they are, no need to change them.

During OnPlayerRequestClass the Streamer doesn't know where the Player is to show the Objects.
To manually update the position (and virtual world/interior) use Streamer_UpdateEx(). Use the Virtual World that the objects are in. The Player doesn't have to be in that Virtual World.

Same problem i can't see objects when im selecting team

Fixed ty

Originally Posted by NaS
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Keep the Virtual Worlds as they are, no need to change them.

During OnPlayerRequestClass the Streamer doesn't know where the Player is to show the Objects.
To manually update the position (and virtual world/interior) use Streamer_UpdateEx(). Use the Virtual World that the objects are in. The Player doesn't have to be in that Virtual World.

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