I need help against cheat

I have a problem on the server in which I play, I have a cheater who uses this type of cheat, how can I make the server detect this type of cheat? Anything you can contribute would appreciate it, Thanks!

Due to the way that objects sync within SA-MP, there is not too much you can do against this without a custom launcher/client modification (that I know of).

You can decompile the cleo or just debug some callbacks or see, but I think this is all client sided.

The only thing you can really do is decrease the streaming distance of the object, so it lowers their chances of being able to see it nearby. Though this can affect some forms of gameplay depending on what the object represents and whether you want to be able to see it from far away.

It's not really possible.

If you wanna catch players using it, set up bait. Spawn weapon objects players could pick up and put them in spots that aren't really spots anyone would check if you get what I mean.

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