Few bugs and suggestions.

Alright, while testing 0.3 i noticed a little bug that didnt use to happen in previous versions.
If you are driving a car (didnt test with other vehicles) and it's going like 10KM/h, you are able to exit. Fine. But when you click F/Return, if you keep holding down W or S,the car will move a bit while you're exiting. It is confirmed that will be fixed.

Also, i've heard that the Class Selection system, is part of the client, and cannot be edited/deleted. Well, sorry to be honest like this, but that sucks.
Scripters should be able to edit it and delete it, because for some RP servers that have Clothes Shop business, it may cause serious trouble and bad looking.

Now regarding Bots.
We have recorded a hydra doing stunts, and it looks like when the bot plane is passing by near us, you will see him falling, and then when the plane gets far away, the plane appears again and the bot piloting it like normal. So yeah, you should look through this sync.

Also, i'd like to suggest a new function:


This way, you can place a bot anywhere and he will stay there all the time, so you don't need to record anything nor the script has to run any files.
Also, as with AddStaticBot, he can as well do animations, when prompted to. For example: I place a Bot in an Information Post or Compound. If a real player goes to the Information Post and types /info, the bot will speak (SendClientMessage) and it would do the Chat animation.
Of course that you can define which animation it will play.

Best Regards,

Originally Posted by [PTM
Al_Pacino ]
Alright, while testing 0.3 i noticed a little bug that didnt use to happen in previous versions.
If you are driving a car (didnt test with other vehicles) and it's going like 10KM/h, you are able to exit. Fine. But when you click F/Return, if you keep holding down W or S,the car will move a bit while you're exiting.

Originally Posted by Kye

Client fix for vehicle moving forward when exiting.
And there is already topic for Bugs at http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=119911.0

i think this should be locked.

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