Ban a pc from accessing samp


As the title says, I'm looking for a way to prevent my PC and any session on it to get banned from accessing any SA:MP server, I don't care what exactly it has to show you but I want no one to access SA:MP from this PC, if there's no way than please tell me what I should modifty or delete into my GTA folder in order to harm it so that it shows error to anyone trying to play.

Thanks a lot.

What's stopping them from using a portable version or even storing another copy on the machine? So no, not possible unless you want the PC to be very restricted (can't create new files?).

What about blocking samp access to internet from firewall.

And some program can be use to monitor all processes and kill gta_sa process, if it's found, but this means no gta.
This program has to start with windows ("Run" in registry)
Cannot use to detect samp.exe because samp.exe name can be renamed, but if you rename gta_sa, samp will show error.

If no gta is an acceptable option you can use Windows itself to block it...

If samp can use samp.dll from another location (dll registration) then you can register this dll to somewhere else and replace it with dummy file, then samp cannot start multiplayer... its just an idea, never tested it...

yes ban samp.exe from windows firewall

Originally Posted by iliasGR
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yes ban samp.exe from windows firewall
And what's stopping the other users from unblocking it? So no... unless the other users are noobs to computers.

Originally Posted by ManuelNeuer
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As the title says, I'm looking for a way to prevent my PC and any session on it to get banned from accessing any SA:MP server, I don't care what exactly it has to show you but I want no one to access SA:MP from this PC, if there's no way than please tell me what I should modifty or delete into my GTA folder in order to harm it so that it shows error to anyone trying to play.

Thanks a lot.
Just move your GTA SA folder on dekstop. Set up a password for your windows-user-account. Done, ain't it?

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