Include maps in samp.ipl

I tried to add the Vice City map to samp to prepare a multiplayer server on SAMP (after conversion with dff/txd names of gta_sa, with the scene2res software), then I converted the .map to. Ipl, it all works. Apparently, adding .ipl files in the gta.dat does not work for samp, it does not take them into account.

So I modified the samp.ipl to add the objects. This works very well for the first 1000, but then I crashed. What to do to successfully include this beautiful map and play multiplayer on samp?


all playes must have the dff/txt files included individualy, the server will not sream them to the players...
might aswell remove the original SA objects and include the ones from ViceCity, might help streaming & crashing

already done

Well i dont know how you did it since as far as i know scene2res is for MTA, but if you mean that you converted VC map into custom.img then i guess its possible. Anyway, custom.dat file has to be updated just like custom.img and IPL has to be converted into CreateDynamicObject code (good luck with these one since even on MTA there are only a few guys that managed to do just that without rotation bug hell).

I converted VC .map to .ipl with my custom converter.

Originally Posted by kanyy
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I converted VC .map to .ipl with my custom converter.
If you have .map as in MTA map file format, then you dont need IPL at all. Just convert that map to CreateDynamicObject (streamer plugin) using some converter like

And use that code in filterscript/gamemode.

There are more than 7000 objects to be created outdoors, this will make it difficult with the streaming, I try to put the map clientside.

Originally Posted by kanyy
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There are more than 7000 objects to be created outdoors, this will make it difficult with the streaming, I try to put the map clientside.
These is not MTA, and as far as i know you cant put a map client side in samp. samp client has its own data and ipl files that are used (so there are no differences) and it does not load custom.ipl as it does .img and .dat

Also there are stunt servers with 100k+ objects running just fine with streamer plugin. You probably will need to adjust some streaming distance with bigger objects (land masses) but thats about it (i think ).

Adding objects to the IPLs is possible by adding them to SAMP.ipl, that will get loaded without problems. Alternatively convert your IPL to the binary format and add it to gta3.img (if you name it accordingly it will get loaded automatically, SAMP cannot prevent that).

But again, there are limitations - You can create only about 1000 before the INST limit gets reached, and the other thing is you cannot go beyond 3000m from the center on the X/Y Axis (unless this was patched by SAMP, but afaik it's not).

It would be a good idea to put as many buildings/roads as you can into IPL files and stream the rest (especially smaller objects are no problem to stream). Of course this is a lot of work but that would be the best solution if you already use custom files for the map.

Thank you for your answers, I was almost sure there was a limit.

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