14.05.2017, 10:49
I have a gangzone system which creates a label showing zone name and which team owns it (Ex: Area69 - Owned by Usa).
The label works, but i want to update text "owned by" after a player captured that zone from another team.
If im from team russia and i capture that zone, it should update the label with "zone area69 owned by russia"
How to make it with UpdateDynamic3dTextLabel? Thanks.
pawn Код:
new label[100];
format(label, sizeof(label), "ZONE: %i - %s \nOwned by: %s", i, gCaptureZone[i][zone_Name], gTeamData[gCaptureZone[i][zone_Owner]][team_Name]);
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(label, COLOR_GOLD, gCaptureZone[i][zone_CP][0], gCaptureZone[i][zone_CP][1], gCaptureZone[i][zone_CP][2], 50.0);
If im from team russia and i capture that zone, it should update the label with "zone area69 owned by russia"
How to make it with UpdateDynamic3dTextLabel? Thanks.