Calculating on screen X, Y from world coords

Hey, I'm trying to figure out how this would be possible to do, but I have no idea.

I have a map created of textdraws and then red marker, which should display position on the map according to world X Y coordinates.

Does anybody have idea how could I calculate marker position by world X Y?

On screen red marker positions are here X=426.500000 and Y=317.200000

You need to find out the width and height of your scaled map. Then divide those values by 6000 to get the scaled value of 1 meter, e.g. if you map is 600 pixels wide then 1 meter corresponds to 0.1 pixel. Once you have that value you take the actual world coordinates, add 3000 (because the game map reaches from -3000 to 3000 but the scaled map reaches 0 to 6000) and then you multiply those values with the baseline value of 0.1.

Okay, tried to make it as you said, but sadly point is being shown far away from where it should be.

pawn Код:
    Float:scalex = 243.6 / 6000, //243.6 is the width
    Float:scaley = 264.0 / 6000, //264 is the height
    Float:screenx = MDC_g_sPlayer[playerid][E_MDC_LOOKUP_ACTIVE_ADRESS_POS][0] + 3000, //Real world X + 3000
    Float:screeny = MDC_g_sPlayer[playerid][E_MDC_LOOKUP_ACTIVE_ADRESS_POS][1] + 3000 //Real world Y + 3000
MDC_g_sPlayer[playerid][E_MDC_TEXTDRAW][33] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, screenx * scalex, screeny * scaley, "hud:radar_waypoint");

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