[Plugin] YSF - kurta999's version

Originally Posted by Salik
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If I use the native function AllowNickNameCharacter for allow russian characters, RegEx return false, wtf?

PHP код:
static isRussianCharacter[] =
'А''а',    'Б''б',    'В''в',
'Г''г',    'Д''д',    'Е''е',
'Ё''ё',    'Ж''ж',    'З''з',
'И''и',    'Й''й',    'К''к',
'Л''л',    'М''м',    'Н''н',
'О''о',    'П''п',    'Р''р',
'С''с',    'Т''т',    'У''у',
'Ф''ф',    'Х''х',    'Ц''ц',
'Ч''ч',    'Ш''ш',    'Щ''щ',
'Ъ''ъ',    'Ы''ы',    'Ь''ь',
'Э''э',    'Ю''ю',    'Я''я'
stock PreloadAllowNickCharacters() {
0sizeof(isRussianCharacter); i++) {
AllowNickNameCharacter(isRussianCharacter[i], true);

RegEx build -
PHP код:
Try this


You didn't understand me, your referenced plugin is intended
for the Russification of TextDraw's and GameText's and not for NickNames.

Originally Posted by Salik
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You didn't understand me, your referenced plugin is intended
for the Russification of TextDraw's and GameText's and not for NickNames.
Your problem is not related with this plugin, you should write to the author of your RegExp plugin.

Originally Posted by ZiGGi
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Your problem is not related with this plugin, you should write to the author of your RegExp plugin.
I think not because of the RegEx plugin, since the other Russifying plug-in ASAN works quite normally.

P.S. (Сможешь сфоркнуть Pawn.RegEx? Или же указать хоть на проблему там, иначе там конфлик происходит нативок, из за этого сервер крашит, хотел бы с ним протестировать.)

Does anyone having this issue? I was unable to produce it on my pc


Gonna reproduce it on my side using his package from the ticket issue. Look forward to my edit in this post.

18.8 seconds since I have pressed "Connect" in SA-MP client and I was prompt to press "Spawn" in game. I didn't see any hang or anything like that so that seems to be a local client problem.

Ask for his PC specs maybe.

Originally Posted by kurta999
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Does anyone having this issue? I was unable to produce it on my pc

No, everything is good for me.

I have found a weird bug and I wonder if this is possible to be fixed using YSF.

Basically here's what happens when someone connects to my server:

- On‌PlayerRequestClass = Calls SpawnPlayer native
- On‌PlayerSpawn = check if logged (show DIALOG_LOGIN)
- On‌PlayerAttemptLogin = if signed in using password, call LoadCharacterData
- LoadCharacterData = attach objects to the player (keep in mind, player is already spawned).
- LoadCharacterDataItems = call SetPlayerSpawnInfoEx
- SetPlayerSpawnInfoEx = SetPlayerSpawnInfo w/ SetPlayerTeam, virtual world, interiorid + call SpawnPlayer which forces player to call OnPlayerSpawn again
- On‌PlayerSpawn = player spawns successfully but no objects are attached to him which were done in LoadCharacterData.

I have a workaround (SetPlayerPos instead of forcing player to spawn again) but I wonder if it's possible to fix internally by YSF.

In short: when you spawn player, attach objects to him and spawn him again - no objects are attached.

Set customspawn to enabled in ysf.cfg and try it afterwards. Under OnPlayerSpawn attached objects are removed internally by the samp server

Originally Posted by kurta999
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Set customspawn to enabled in ysf.cfg and try it afterwards. Under OnPlayerSpawn attached objects are removed internally by the samp server
Yeah, I have ******'ed it and they are removed automatically everytime in OnPlayerSpawn.


That YSF thing didn't work:

# Use redirected YSF's own RPC for spawning
UseCustomSpawn 1
It may be hard for me to attach the weapons everytime to the player since they are loaded from the MySQL Database during the "LoadPlayerCharacterItems" and it's in the for loop. I'd rather not call the loop everytime player spawns, lol..

Let me know if there's anything I can test to fix that. Thanks.

Also, since I have custom spawn I can always make a custom OnPlayerDeath(Ex) so the internal SA-MP's one is never gonna be called.. so much trouble to go through just to get one thing working, ugh.

So I did try a code to hide player and then show it. When i'm Hide, HidedPlayer Color moved in map and reshow Player(ShowPlayer) that player sees our skin as CJ skin so it's not synced.

Originally Posted by Salik
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So I did try a code to hide player and then show it. When i'm Hide, HidedPlayer Color moved in map and reshow Player(ShowPlayer) that player sees our skin as CJ skin so it's not synced.
Color is a seperate thing, you'd have to use SetPlayerColor to `-1` . Also, when unhide yourself your skin is set to CJ, so you'd have to save your skin to the array and set it back again.

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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Yeah, I have ******'ed it and they are removed automatically everytime in OnPlayerSpawn.


That YSF thing didn't work:

# Use redirected YSF's own RPC for spawning
UseCustomSpawn 1
It may be hard for me to attach the weapons everytime to the player since they are loaded from the MySQL Database during the "LoadPlayerCharacterItems" and it's in the for loop. I'd rather not call the loop everytime player spawns, lol..

Let me know if there's anything I can test to fix that. Thanks.

Also, since I have custom spawn I can always make a custom OnPlayerDeath(Ex) so the internal SA-MP's one is never gonna be called.. so much trouble to go through just to get one thing working, ugh.
I have no idea. With custom spawn enabled objects shouldnot be removed, but I will look after why it doesnt work.

I have created health bar overlay (over the default San Andreas one), used SetPlayerHealth to FLOAT_INIFINITY when spawns and I am managing all the health with health bar from the server-side.

OnPlayerDeath isn't called at all in my gamemode (or at least that shouldn't ever happen).

If you want to - go ahead and fix that stuff.

ps: I'm using latest version R19 same
  • SetVehicleParamsSirenState -> Does not work if a player is near the vehicle
  • ToggleVehicleSirenEnabled -> Does not work if a player is near the vehicle
  • OnPlayerClientGameInit -> Per player value change does not work correctly on all of them
  • SetPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer -> does not work
  • GetPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer -> does not work
  • RemPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer -> Does not exist in plugin
  • IsPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer -> does not work
  • OnPlayerStatsAndWeaponsUpdate -> It's not called
@OFF: A curiosity, I wanted to know why you serve the "arg2" in the OnOutcomeScmEvent?

Is it possible to add AttachVehicleToVehicle?


SetVehicleParamsSirenState -> Does not work if a player is near the vehicle
ToggleVehicleSirenEnabled -> Does not work if a player is near the vehicle

I think it's rather a feature how it works now, not a bug. But I will look after what I can do with it.

OnPlayerClientGameInit -> Per player value change does not work correctly on all of them

Which values doesn't work? Describe it, for me everything works well, I've right now tested it.

SetPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer -> does not work
GetPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer -> does not work
RemPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer -> Does not exist in plugin

Those aren't implemented yet.

OnPlayerStatsAndWeaponsUpdate -> It's not called

Will be fixed soon.

A curiosity, I wanted to know why you serve the "arg2" in the OnOutcomeScmEvent?

I think it is color2.

Originally Posted by Dice_
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Is it possible to add AttachVehicleToVehicle?

Originally Posted by kurta999
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SetVehicleParamsSirenState -> Does not work if a player is near the vehicle
ToggleVehicleSirenEnabled -> Does not work if a player is near the vehicle

I think it's rather a feature how it works now, not a bug. But I will look after what I can do with it.

SetPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer, GetPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer, RemPlayerAttachedObjForPlayer,

Those aren't implemented yet.
Thanks man, I wait a long time for these functions, they will be very useful for me, I'm waiting with affection

Originally Posted by kurta999
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OnPlayerClientGameInit -> Per player value change does not work correctly on all of them

Which values doesn't work? Describe it, for me everything works well, I've right now tested it.
I did not test all but the ones I used: "& lacgompmode, & vehiclefriendlyfire" showed flaws,

Lagcomp-> If it is a different number from the server, hitddetect will not work on guns, and it will not call OnPlayerWeaponShoot (even if the server is 1, and the client is 2)

Vehiclefriendlyfire-> Did not change anything

  • Could you do something to help with the crash when restarting the server with removebuild?
  • Could I have a callback, call when a shot is triggered? (In lagcomp 0)

I will look after those bugs. Answer to the first question: i would suggest trying this: https://github.com/myudev/SA-MP-Remo...hfix./releases and second question: no

kurta999, hi its been a while since i pest you, and once again im bugging you with something i found,
Well issue is:

TogglePlayerWidescreen(playerid, bool:set);
Once is active it blocks the user from entering the Game menu using ESC key, only upon setting it to False, it open the game menu, also when the widescreen is active it wont let you use the V key to change camera zoom as it would without the function active, i have also tested that if the user has on his game settings the Widescreen ON, it will not mess with the players screen resolution if you use the function, if not set to on if you use the:

TogglePlayerWidescreen(playerid, true);
It messes up the resolution kinda makes to massive black bars appear on screen, however it still does what is intended it hides the radar and hud, i wonder if this is only with me a resolution glitch due to my laptop or something...?

Link for screnshot

PS: BTW Kurta Awesome work as usual with the plugin loving it more and more and using it more and more !

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