Can't connect gamemode with mysql database

Hi ! Guys , i have two problems . I downloaded "redzmaxro" gamemode , but when i try to connect with database i got this :
1) redzmaxro.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

Loading plugin:
Failed ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
Loaded 2 plugins.

I checked server.cfg , all it's good there . I downloaded but no effect . Help plss

P.S: I'm romanian , sorry for bad english >.<

The machine you are trying to install the RedzMax gamemode on to does not have an essential lib,contact your local Hosting Provider about that error,and make sure you loaded all the plugins because that gamemode conatins more than just 2 plugins as is my knowledge.If this is not working,you can try posting it to the Romanian section,over there you can talk in Romanian.

I solved the mysql error .
Yes , they're all loaded but no effect ...

Solved , T/C please .

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