local variable "Random" shadows a variable at a preceding level

I have this problem...

new Random = random(3);
		if(Random == 0)
			SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 1, 2844, 6, 0.728, -0.0619, -0.320, -106.100, -2.299, 151.300);
		if(Random == 1)
			SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 1, 2819, 6, 0.777, 0.000, 0.00, -105.099, -0.799, 101.6999);
		if(Random == 2)
			SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 1, 2843, 6, -0.516, 0.137, 0.186, -116.5, -4.899, -7.7999);
		HoldingObject[playerid] = 2844;
		SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "Operite prljavo rublje u masini za ves.");
		SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "Niste blizu prljavog rublja.");
EVERYWHERE WHERE IS IN EXAMPLE: new Random = random(20);
Is warning..

There's probably a global variable or a function called "Random". Just change the name of the variable.

new Rd = random(3);
		if(Rd == 0)
			SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 1, 2844, 6, 0.728, -0.0619, -0.320, -106.100, -2.299, 151.300);
		if(Rd == 1)
			SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 1, 2819, 6, 0.777, 0.000, 0.00, -105.099, -0.799, 101.6999);
		if(Rd == 2)
			SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 1, 2843, 6, -0.516, 0.137, 0.186, -116.5, -4.899, -7.7999);
		HoldingObject[playerid] = 2844;
		SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "Operite prljavo rublje u masini za ves.");
		SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "Niste blizu prljavog rublja.");

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