Mysql [ERROR] Please Help.

Please Help Me Fix it
[18:21:16] [AC] James[1] Kicked Code: #53
[18:21:16] [part] James has left the server (1:2)
[18:21:16] 1064, You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`UseCar' at line 1, , UPDATE `Accounts` SET `pLevel` = 1,`pHouse` = 356,`pPbiskey` = 11,`pPsbiskey` = 255, `pApartment` = -1,  `pDateInvite` = '25/3/2017 20:6',`pCash` = 14646000,`pKills` = 0,`pJailTime` = 0,`pPass` = 1,`pMats` = 100, `pWeather` = 99, `pSleep` = 100, `pRank` = 10,`pJob` = 0,`pInGameDay` = 246, `pInGameAllTime` = 3221,`pVodPrava` = 0,`pBizLic` = 0,`pFlyLic` = 0,`pBoatLic` = 0,`pFishLic` = 0,`pGunLic` = 0,  `pSDPistol` = 0,`pDesertEagle` = 0,`pShotGun` = 0,`pMP5` = 0,`pAK47` = 0,`pM4` = 0,`pChar` = 19,`pModel` = 70,`pDrugDep` = 0,  `pBanResult` = '',`pBanOwner` = '',`pWarnResult` = '', `pWarnOwner` = '', `pVIP` = 0, `pDonateMoney` = 3400, `pExp` = 2, `pTimeInHour` = 884,  `pWarns` = 0, `SpawnChange` = 1,`punWarnstime` = 0, `pHeadCost` = 0, `pHeadMafia` = 0, `player_family` = 0,`pLeader` = 4,`pMember` = 4,  `pShtanga` = 0, `pVelo` = 0, `pGiri` = 0, `pBeg` = 0, `pSkillT` = 0,  `pMarried` = '-',`pMuteTime` = 0,`pMobile` = 0,`pBank` = 4130000,`pHospital` = 1,`pEat` = 97,`pZakonp` = 4,  `pBanTime` = 0,`pBanData` = 0,`pNarcoLomka` = 0, `pNarcoLT` = 0, `pInviteName` = 'James_Blackwood',  `pGunID` = '0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0',  `pGunAmmo` = '0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0',  `pCar` = '409,462,462,,,,,,,',  `pNeon` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pVcol1` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pVcol2` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pProz` = '22,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pWheels` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pPokraska` = '3,3,3,,,,,,,',  `pSpoiler` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pBamper1` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pBamper2` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pNitro` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pGidra` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pNumbercar` = ',,,,,,,,,',  `pFuelcar` = '91,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pHood` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pRoof` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pSideskirt` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pLamps` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pExhaust` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pStereo` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pVentRight` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pVentLeft` = '0,0,0,,,,,,,',  `pDrugs` = 0,`pMats` = 100,`pNumber` = 0, `pFuel` = 0, `pKeys` = 1, `pClock` = 1, `pKit` = 0, `pPickLock` = 0,  `pVigovor` = 0,`pQuest` = 0,`pMestoJail` = 0,`pWanted` = 0, `UseCar, 1
[18:21:16] [debug] Server crashed while executing new.amx
[18:21:16] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[18:21:16] [debug] #0 native printf () from samp03svr
[18:21:16] [debug] #1 000ee290 in public OnQueryError (errorid=1064, error[]=@0092665c "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your ...", callback[]=@00926658 "", query[]=@00924718 "UPDATE `Accounts` SET `pLevel` = 1,`pHouse` = 356,`pPbiskey` = 11,`pPsbiskey` = ...", connectionHandle=1)

Can you post the code for the query you're trying to make? You most likely misplaced a ` or ' somewhere. Guessing from the log, it's the code that saves the user data.

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