Suggestion for Scripting Help section.


I guess it's going to be excellent if the "Scripting Help" section had best answer system turned on.


Member A posted a Scripting Help thread.
Member B, C and D commented to the thread.
Member A liked the answer of Member C and set it as best.

Then the reply of Member C turns to the top of the replies of the thread, really useful actually. Many people find it hard to search for their answer through many replies also others can learn faster from the already posted threads rather than recreate them. Also the answered threads should be automatically archived so we give a chance for who wants to ask their question to have it answered faster.


You meant like in Stack Overflow?

Yeah, exactly!

Yeah that's nice. Since we don't have a best answer option in vbulletin the author of the thread can edit main post quoting the best answer. Also the people asking questions should give detailed explanation. If their english is bad they can use other media like video or pictures for further explanation.And also people asking question should give it a proper title (explained one ) so as it will guide people having same question faster to this thread.
For example this guy he always do a great job in asking questions perfectly.Its very detailed.

There are some people (not mentioning names) who edits their thread after the problem is solved. This is so rude and immature behaviour. It should also be avoided.

Yeah they are countless not just the last one, the forum administrators should disable editing threads after the first reply in that section. So, now after you answer someone's question he won't be able to remove his question or remove everything and say that it's fixed which is just shit, there are other people who want to learn from this section not the thread author only.

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