11.03.2017, 22:22
Ahoy guys
Thats what i have
Ingame it looks like: Team: ? 610D96 VIOLET (without any color)
If i do it this way
Its fine.
How can i fix my first part to get the same result like in the second, working part?
Thats what i have
#define FIRST_TEAM_COLOR_TAG "{610D96}VIOLET" format(astring,sizeof(astring),"Team: "#FIRST_TEAM_COLOR_TAG); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, TeamText[playerid], astring); PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid,TeamText[playerid]);
If i do it this way
format(astring,sizeof(astring),"Team: {610D96}VIOLET "); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, TeamText[playerid], astring); PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid,TeamText[playerid]);
How can i fix my first part to get the same result like in the second, working part?