[FilterScript] GiromB Simple System VIP ( G-VIP ) (DOF2,ZCMD AND SSCANF)

GiromB System VIP ( G-VIP )

Hi bros, I have come to bring this FILTERSCRIPT so that it can be studied by beginners and it can also serve as a basis. thanks for listening ( I accept suggestions for future releases)

Commands (RCON):

/Setvip id days
/delete id

Commands( Vip)


/CVip --> chat vip
/kitvip --> weapons vip
/Vips -> Vips online
° Create folder "GVips" in scriptfiles
°Do not remove credits

No bug found, if they find it report to be fixed ...

Remembering that it is a very simple system


° Creators of includes( ZCMD, DOF2 and SSCANF )
°GiromB ( FS)
°SAMP Team by the samp
P.S: Sorry my bad english '~'

Good system but i have suggestions
* change the CMD:delete to CMD:rvip or dvip because /delete maybe used in servers for other stuffs
* add more commands like /vgod
* add a /setvip with time & /pvip(perment vip) without time (cannot expire)
If you need anyhelp PM me

Hmm simple but good +REP(return to me if you want) :P

So, this is kind of a general opinion, but i think all VIP system of that kind are shit, because most of the time those scripts add features to the server that noone wants (fuirthermore, the owners might not want it), so you should seriously make everything customizeable if you bring out such a system, otherwise its pretty much trash.

I didn't really look at the code, so i am not saying anything about that

Originally Posted by Ultraz
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Good system but i have suggestions
* change the CMD:delete to CMD:rvip or dvip because /delete maybe used in servers for other stuffs
* add more commands like /vgod
* add a /setvip with time & /pvip(perment vip) without time (cannot expire)
If you need anyhelp PM me
Thanks by feedback

Originally Posted by Sumit4
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Hmm simple but good +REP(return to me if you want) :P

Originally Posted by [Bios]Marcel
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So, this is kind of a general opinion, but i think all VIP system of that kind are shit, because most of the time those scripts add features to the server that noone wants (fuirthermore, the owners might not want it), so you should seriously make everything customizeable if you bring out such a system, otherwise its pretty much trash.

I didn't really look at the code, so i am not saying anything about that
You should read first my bro, thanks by the feedback


I have come to bring this FILTERSCRIPT so that it can be studied by beginners


Not bad at all , but try to Make somthing new!! there are tons of vips system in this forums!

Originally Posted by GiromB
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Thanks by feedback


You should read first my bro, thanks by the feedback
i did read it partially and didn't find anything like a configuration system, correct me if i am wrong
If that's not what you meant, then you should read my post again.

Originally Posted by [Bios]Marcel
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i did read it partially and didn't find anything like a configuration system, correct me if i am wrong
If that's not what you meant, then you should read my post again.
Do you know why in the forum we make available the source code? right, so that it can be edited by the owner of server( or not).

thanks by reply my friend

DOUBLE POST (my network be a shit).

Originally Posted by GiromB
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Do you know why in the forum we make available the source code? right, so that it can be edited by the owner of server( or not).

thanks by reply my friend
No, thats not the reason, the reason is, to not be able to make people use code that they CANT KNOW what it does.
Anyways, a larger number of people doesn't know how to edit code, thats why there is such a thing as "configuration"

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