08.02.2017, 20:04
Problem with MySQL R6
Im using MYSQL R6 i dont like R6 function
I need someone to change the function from R6 to R33
here is the codes:
+REP Who help
Im using MYSQL R6 i dont like R6 function
I need someone to change the function from R6 to R33
here is the codes:
pawn Код:
native mysql_fetch_field(number,dest[],connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_fetch_field_row(string[],const fieldname[],connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_affected_rows(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_query(query[],resultid = (-1),extraid = (-1),connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_store_result(connectionHandle = 1);
native mysql_free_result(connectionHandle = 1);