[GameMode] NR:Gaming™[V.4][Updated]

Good GM bro..

Better,convert it luxadmin to ladmin.
I also use satdm rp v20 by jeff hardy,but i change luxadmin to ladmin.

N,u can see my server in signature

Nice Gamemode

Much bugs :3

Awesome gamemode!


/miniguns /lplane
/Gregister / vgoto
/Gregister /announce
/Gregister /cc

Why Gregister is repeated?
btw it's awesome gamemode.

Originally Posted by John252
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Look who's talking lmao. The retard who clearly copied BlackTurbo's community and named it ''BrownTurbo'', and yet pointing fingers to other people.

''Knowledge of(HTML,CSS,PHP,PAWN,VB)''
Get lost, you have been asking for an UCP these days, because you can't make it. You dirty liar.

You, PaRking and that cunt who names himself ''Lead Scripter'', should all kill yourselves.
really if you have some..... proffs send me and who are talking the newbie iam not coping iam improving SATDM fully and i won't show my plans for a kid like you becuse you can't make a simple script even and stop talking about that becuse if we will talk about BTTDM copies then we will find thousands of server coping BTTDM but iam not one of them ahahaha and about my intersts feed its not your proplem and and you have a nice profile feeds ('.....') if you have any kind of knowledge of any kind of scripting language lets see if you know...... and if you will reply some impolite comments then keep it in your dirty mind too ........and about that UCP that was on my first days on this game i wasn't a good scripter yet and lets see ur works ........ you are fucking kid no more just replying with impolite replies ........... goto hell note: you have a good multi accounts xD

Great Job

Originally Posted by John252
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Despite the broken English, this is what i find funny in this forum, to be considered somebody with ''knowledge'', you have to be either a high roller or have made a bunch of releases, despite it being useless or poorly coded.

Zorono, i don't have to release anything to prove my knowledge, if that's how you judge somebody's knowledge (Post count and amount of releases, despite it being poorly coded or stolen like your server). Also, i don't have to prove anything, the fact you are using a SATDM script (same as BlackTurbo's community) and your community's name is BrownTurbo, makes it obvious.
ahahahha, you are using ****** translate and iam improving SATDM not stealing it and i have added $PimP Credit but you are noob can't look at the credits and iam not coping BT and if oyu have Proffs show me not just commenting BTTDM Copy...... without proffs like a kid and noob go fuck yourslef bitch bullyshit

Originally Posted by Zorono
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ahahahha, you are using ****** translate and iam improving SATDM not stealing it and i have added $PimP Credit but you are noob can't look at the credits and iam not coping BT and if oyu have Proffs show me not just commenting BTTDM Copy...... without proffs like a kid and noob go fuck yourslef bitch bullyshit
Replying to his posts us considered foolishness.

Originally Posted by iLearner
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Replying to his posts us considered foolishness.
iam no longer replying that idiot (John)'s comments he can say what he want becuse he is kid and haven't any proffs

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