27.01.2017, 21:27
Olб, eu gostaria de pedir para que alguem convertessem esses salvamentos para SQlite, precisso muito, porfavor
Por-favor precisso muito, ficaria muito grato se alguem me ajuda-se
PHP код:
// This function will create the player-datafile for the given player (only used when a new player joins the server)
new file[100], File:PFile, Name[24], LineForFile[100];
format(Name, sizeof(Name), APlayerData[playerid][PlayerName]); // Get the playername
format(file, sizeof(file), PlayerFile, Name); // Construct the complete filename for this player's account
PFile = fopen(file, io_write); // Open the playerfile for writing
format(LineForFile, 100, "Password %s\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][PlayerPassword]); // Construct the line: "Password <playerpassword>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Level %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "Level <playerlevel>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Jailed %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "Jailed <playerjailed>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Wanted %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "Wanted <wantedlevel>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Bans %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "Bans <NumberOfBans>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "BanTime %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "BanTime <TimeToUnban>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "TruckerLicense %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "TruckerLicense <playertruckerlicense>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "BusLicense %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "BusLicense <playerbuslicense>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, sizeof(LineForFile), "PorteArmasLicense %i\r\n", 0);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile);
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsMetersDriven %f\r\n", 0.0); // Construct the line: "StatsMetersDriven <StatsMetersDriven>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsTruckerJobs %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "StatsTruckerJobs <StatsTruckerJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsConvoyJobs %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "StatsConvoyJobs <StatsConvoyJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsBusDriverJobs %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "StatsBusDriverJobs <StatsBusDriverJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsPilotJobs %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "StatsPilotJobs <StatsPilotJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsMafiaJobs %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "StatsMafiaJobs <StatsMafiaJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsMafiaStolen %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "StatsMafiaStolen <StatsMafiaStolen>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsPoliceFined %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "StatsPoliceFined <StatsPoliceFined>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsPoliceJailed %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "StatsPoliceJailed <StatsPoliceJailed>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatusAdvogado %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "StatsTruckerJobs <StatsTruckerJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "TempoVIP %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][TempoVIP]);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile);
format(LineForFile, 100, "UsarSkin %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][UsarSkin]);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile);
format(LineForFile, 100, "PegarSkin %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][PSkin]);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile);
format(LineForFile, 100, "Money %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "Money <playermoney>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Score %i\r\n", 0); // Construct the line: "Score <playerscore>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
fclose(PFile); // Close the file
return 1;
// This function will load the player's datafile (used when a player connects to the server)
// Setup local variables
new file[100], File:PFile, Name[24], LineFromFile[100], ParameterName[50], ParameterValue[50], HouseIndex, BusIndex;
format(Name, sizeof(Name), APlayerData[playerid][PlayerName]); // Get the playername
format(file, sizeof(file), PlayerFile, Name); // Construct the complete filename for this player's account
// Check if the player's datafile exists
if (fexist(file))
PFile = fopen(file, io_read); // Open the playerfile for reading
fread(PFile, LineFromFile); // Read the first line of the file
// Keep reading until the end of the file is found (no more data)
while (strlen(LineFromFile) > 0)
StripNewLine(LineFromFile); // Strip any newline characters from the LineFromFile
sscanf(LineFromFile, "s[50]s[50]", ParameterName, ParameterValue); // Extract parametername and parametervalue
// Store the proper value in the proper place
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Password", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Password")
format(APlayerData[playerid][PlayerPassword], 50, ParameterValue); // Store the password
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Level", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Level")
APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the playerlevel
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Jailed", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Jailed")
APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the jailed-status
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Wanted", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Wanted")
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, strval(ParameterValue)); // Set the wanted-status
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Bans", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Bans")
APlayerData[playerid][Bans] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the bans
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "BanTime", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("BanTime")
APlayerData[playerid][BanTime] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the bantime
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "TruckerLicense", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("TruckerLicense")
APlayerData[playerid][TruckerLicense] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the TruckerLicense
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "BusLicense", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("BusLicense")
APlayerData[playerid][BusLicense] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the BusLicense
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "PorteArmasLicense", false) == 0)
APlayerData[playerid][PorteArmasLicense] = strval(ParameterValue);
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatusAdvogado", false) == 0)
APlayerData[playerid][StatusAdvogado] = strval(ParameterValue);
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "TempoVIP", false) == 0)
APlayerData[playerid][TempoVIP] = strval(ParameterValue);
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "UsarSkin", false) == 0)
APlayerData[playerid][UsarSkin] = strval(ParameterValue);
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "PegarSkin", false) == 0)
APlayerData[playerid][PSkin] = strval(ParameterValue);
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Muted", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Muted")
if (strcmp(ParameterValue, "Yes", false) == 0) // If the value "Yes" was read
APlayerData[playerid][Muted] = true; // Player is muted
APlayerData[playerid][Muted] = false; // Player is not muted
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "RulesRead", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("RulesRead")
if (strcmp(ParameterValue, "Yes", false) == 0) // If the value "Yes" was read
APlayerData[playerid][RulesRead] = true; // Player has accepted the rules
APlayerData[playerid][RulesRead] = false; // Player hasn't accepted the rules yet
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsMetersDriven", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsMetersDriven")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsMetersDriven] = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsMetersDriven
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsTruckerJobs", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsTruckerJobs")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsTruckerJobs] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsTruckerJobs
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsConvoyJobs", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsConvoyJobs")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsConvoyJobs] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsConvoyJobs
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsBusDriverJobs", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsBusDriverJobs")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsBusDriverJobs] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsBusDriverJobs
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsPilotJobs", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsPilotJobs")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsPilotJobs] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsPilotJobs
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsMafiaJobs", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsMafiaJobs")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsMafiaJobs] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsMafiaJobs
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsMafiaStolen", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsMafiaStolen")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsMafiaStolen] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsMafiaStolen
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsPoliceFined", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsPoliceFined")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsPoliceFined] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsPoliceFined
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsPoliceJailed", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsPoliceJailed")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsPoliceJailed] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsPoliceJailed
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsAssistance", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsAssistance")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsAssistance] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsAssistance
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsCourierJobs", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsCourierJobs")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsCourierJobs] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsCourierJobs
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "StatsRoadworkerJobs", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("StatsRoadworkerJobs")
APlayerData[playerid][StatsRoadworkerJobs] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the StatsRoadworkerJobs
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "House", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("House")
APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseIndex] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseID at the selected slot
HouseIndex++; // Select the next house-slot in case another house-id is found
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Business", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Business")
if (strcmp(ABusinessData[strval(ParameterValue)][Owner], Name, false) == 0) // Check if the player is the true owner of the business
APlayerData[playerid][Business][BusIndex] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the BusinessID at the selected slot
BusIndex++; // Select the next business-slot in case another business-id is found
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Money", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Money")
RewardPlayer(playerid, strval(ParameterValue), 0); // Store the money
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Score", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Score")
RewardPlayer(playerid, 0, strval(ParameterValue)); // Store the score
fread(PFile, LineFromFile); // Read the next line of the file
fclose(PFile); // Close the file
return 1; // Return if the file was read correctly
return 0; // Return 0 if the file couldn't be read (doesn't exist)
// This function will save all player-data (used when the player disconnects from the server)
new file[100], File:PFile, Name[24], LineForFile[100];
format(Name, sizeof(Name), APlayerData[playerid][PlayerName]); // Get the playername
format(file, sizeof(file), PlayerFile, Name); // Construct the complete filename for this player's account
PFile = fopen(file, io_write); // Open the playerfile for writing
format(LineForFile, 100, "Password %s\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][PlayerPassword]); // Construct the line: "Password <playerpassword>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Level %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel]); // Construct the line: "Level <playerlevel>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Jailed %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed]); // Construct the line: "Jailed <playerjailed>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Wanted %i\r\n", GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid)); // Construct the line: "Wanted <wantedlevel>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Bans %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][Bans]); // Construct the line: "Bans <NumberOfBans>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "BanTime %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][BanTime]); // Construct the line: "BanTime <TimeToUnban>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "TruckerLicense %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][TruckerLicense]); // Construct the line: "TruckerLicense <playertruckerlicense>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "BusLicense %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][BusLicense]); // Construct the line: "BusLicense <playerbuslicense>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, sizeof(LineForFile), "PorteArmasLicense %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][PorteArmasLicense]);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile);
if (APlayerData[playerid][Muted] == true) // Check if the player is muted
format(LineForFile, 100, "Muted Yes\r\n"); // Construct the line: "Muted <Yes>"
format(LineForFile, 100, "Muted No\r\n"); // Construct the line: "Muted <No>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
if (APlayerData[playerid][RulesRead] == true) // Check if the player has accepted the rules
format(LineForFile, 100, "RulesRead Yes\r\n"); // Construct the line: "RulesRead <Yes>"
format(LineForFile, 100, "RulesRead No\r\n"); // Construct the line: "RulesRead <No>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsMetersDriven %f\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsMetersDriven]); // Construct the line: "StatsMetersDriven <StatsMetersDriven>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsTruckerJobs %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsTruckerJobs]); // Construct the line: "StatsTruckerJobs <StatsTruckerJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsConvoyJobs %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsConvoyJobs]); // Construct the line: "StatsConvoyJobs <StatsConvoyJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsBusDriverJobs %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsBusDriverJobs]); // Construct the line: "StatsBusDriverJobs <StatsBusDriverJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsPilotJobs %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsPilotJobs]); // Construct the line: "StatsPilotJobs <StatsPilotJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsMafiaJobs %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsMafiaJobs]); // Construct the line: "StatsMafiaJobs <StatsMafiaJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsMafiaStolen %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsMafiaStolen]); // Construct the line: "StatsMafiaStolen <StatsMafiaStolen>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsPoliceFined %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsPoliceFined]); // Construct the line: "StatsPoliceFined <StatsPoliceFined>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsPoliceJailed %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsPoliceJailed]); // Construct the line: "StatsPoliceJailed <StatsPoliceJailed>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsAssistance %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsAssistance]); // Construct the line: "StatsAssistance <StatsAssistance>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsCourierJobs %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsCourierJobs]); // Construct the line: "StatsCourierJobs <StatsCourierJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "StatsRoadworkerJobs %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][StatsRoadworkerJobs]); // Construct the line: "StatsRoadworkerJobs <StatsRoadworkerJobs>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "TempoVIP %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][TempoVIP]);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile);
format(LineForFile, 100, "UsarSkin %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][UsarSkin]);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile);
format(LineForFile, 100, "PegarSkin %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][PSkin]);
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile);
// Save all the valid house-id's
for (new i; i < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; i++)
// Check if there is a valid house-id in this slot
if (APlayerData[playerid][Houses][i] != 0)
format(LineForFile, 100, "House %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][Houses][i]); // Construct the line: "House <HouseID>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
// Save all the valid business-id's
for (new i; i < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; i++)
// Check if there is a valid business-id in this slot
if (APlayerData[playerid][Business][i] != 0)
format(LineForFile, 100, "Business %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][Business][i]); // Construct the line: "Business <BusinessID>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Money %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney]); // Construct the line: "Money <playermoney>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Score %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][PlayerScore]); // Construct the line: "Score <playerscore>"
fwrite(PFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
fclose(PFile); // Close the file
// Also save the houses that this player owns
for (new i; i < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; i++)
// Check if there is a valid house-id in this slot
if (APlayerData[playerid][Houses][i] != 0)
// Save the house (and linked vehicles)
// Save all the valid business-id's
for (new i; i < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; i++)
// Check if there is a valid business-id in this slot
if (APlayerData[playerid][Business][i] != 0)
// Save the business
return 1;
// This function loads all houses
// Loop through all houses and try to load them
for (new HouseID = 1; HouseID < MAX_HOUSES; HouseID++)
// Try to load the file and check if it was succesfully loaded (file exists)
if (HouseFile_Load(HouseID) == 1)
// Add a pickup and 3DText for this house
// Count the amount of houses that are loaded
return 1;
// This function will load the house's datafile (used when the server is started to load all houses)
HouseFile_Load(HouseID, bool:OnlyLoadVehicles = false)
new file[100], File:HFile, LineFromFile[100], ParameterName[50], ParameterValue[50];
// Setup local variables
new cModel, cPaint, components[14], Float:cx, Float:cy, Float:cz, Float:crot, Col1, Col2, vid, bool:VehicleClamped, cFuel = -1;
format(file, sizeof(file), HouseFile, HouseID); // Construct the complete filename for this house-file
if (fexist(file))
HFile = fopen(file, io_read); // Open the housefile for reading
fread(HFile, LineFromFile); // Read the first line of the file
// Set the house so it cannot be entered by anyone, except the owner (close the house)
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseOpened] = false;
// Keep reading until the end of the file is found (no more data)
while (strlen(LineFromFile) > 0)
StripNewLine(LineFromFile); // Strip any newline characters from the LineFromFile
sscanf(LineFromFile, "s[50]s[50]", ParameterName, ParameterValue); // Extract parametername and parametervalue
// If OnlyLoadVehicles is "false", only load the house-data
// If OnlyLoadVehicles is "true", only load the vehicle-data
if (OnlyLoadVehicles == false)
// Store the proper value in the proper place
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseName", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseName")
format(AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName], 24, ParameterValue); // Store the HouseName
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseX", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseX")
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX] = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseX
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseY", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseY")
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY] = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseY
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseZ", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseZ")
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ] = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseZ
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseLevel", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseLevel")
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseLevel
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseMaxLevel", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseMaxLevel")
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseMaxLevel
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HousePrice", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HousePrice")
AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the HousePrice
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Owned", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Owned")
if (strcmp(ParameterValue, "Yes", false) == 0) // If the value "Yes" was read
AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] = true; // House is owned
AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] = false; // House is not owned
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Owner", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Owner")
// Store the Owner (Owner will hold "1" if there is no owner (empty string), done by "sscanf" I guess)
// But this doesn't matter, as the owner will never be displayed when the house is not owned by someone
format(AHouseData[HouseID][Owner], 24, ParameterValue);
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Insurance", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Insurance")
AHouseData[HouseID][Insurance] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the Insurance
else // OnlyLoadVehicles is "true", so only read the vehicle-data
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "[Vehicle]", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("[Vehicle]")
// Clear all data to start a new vehicle
cModel = 0;
cPaint = 0;
cFuel = -1;
for (new i; i < 14; i++)
components[i] = 0;
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleModel", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleModel")
cModel = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleModel
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Fuel", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Fuel")
cFuel = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the Fuel
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehiclePaintJob", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehiclePaintJob")
cPaint = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehiclePaintJob
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleSpoiler", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleSpoiler")
components[0] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleSpoiler
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleHood", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleHood")
components[1] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleHood
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleRoof", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleRoof")
components[2] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleRoof
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleSideSkirt", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleSideSkirt")
components[3] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleSideSkirt
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleLamps", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleLamps")
components[4] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleLamps
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleNitro", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleNitro")
components[5] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleNitro
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleExhaust", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleExhaust")
components[6] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleExhaust
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleWheels", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleWheels")
components[7] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleWheels
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleStereo", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleStereo")
components[8] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleStereo
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleHydraulics", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleHydraulics")
components[9] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleHydraulics
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleFrontBumper", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleFrontBumper")
components[10] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleFrontBumper
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleRearBumper", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleRearBumper")
components[11] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleRearBumper
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleVentRight", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleVentRight")
components[12] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleVentRight
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleVentLeft", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleVentLeft")
components[13] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleVentLeft
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Color1", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Color1")
Col1 = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the Color1
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Color2", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Color2")
Col2 = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the Color2
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleX", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleX")
cx = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleX
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleY", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleY")
cy = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleY
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleZ", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleZ")
cz = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleZ
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleAngle", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleAngle")
crot = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleAngle
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Clamped", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Clamped")
if (strcmp(ParameterValue, "Yes", false) == 0) // If the value "Yes" was read
VehicleClamped = true; // Vehicle is clamped
VehicleClamped = false; // Vehicle is not clamped
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "[/Vehicle]", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("[/Vehicle]")
// Set both colors to 1 if they are 0 AND if there is a paintjob applied
if ((Col1 == 0) && (cPaint != 0))
Col1 = 1;
if ((Col2 == 0) && (cPaint != 0))
Col2 = 1;
// The "[/Vehicle]" is found, this means that all data about this vehicle is now stored in the variables
// Now add the vehicle to the house and set it's data
vid = House_AddVehicle(HouseID, cModel, cPaint, components, cx, cy, cz, crot, Col1, Col2);
AVehicleData[vid][Clamped] = VehicleClamped;
// Also set the fuel (set it to maximum when the fuel parameter wasn't inside the file)
if (cFuel == -1)
AVehicleData[vid][Fuel] = MaxFuel;
else // If the parameter was there, store it
AVehicleData[vid][Fuel] = cFuel;
// Read the next line of the file
fread(HFile, LineFromFile);
// Check if the maximum house-level isn't 0 (when updating to the new version)
if (AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel] == 0)
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel] = 10; // Set the maximum level to 10
// Close the file
// Return if the file was read correctly
return 1;
return 0; // Return 0 if the file couldn't be read (doesn't exist)
// This function will save the given house
new file[100], File:HFile, LineForFile[100], vid;
// Construct the complete filename for this house
format(file, sizeof(file), HouseFile, HouseID);
HFile = fopen(file, io_write); // Open the playerfile for writing
format(LineForFile, 100, "HouseName %s\r\n", AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName]); // Construct the line: "HouseName <HouseName>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "HouseX %f\r\n", AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX]); // Construct the line: "HouseX <HouseX>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "HouseY %f\r\n", AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY]); // Construct the line: "HouseY <HouseY>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "HouseZ %f\r\n", AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]); // Construct the line: "HouseZ <HouseZ>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "HouseLevel %i\r\n", AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel]); // Construct the line: "HouseLevel <HouseLevel>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "HouseMaxLevel %i\r\n", AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel]); // Construct the line: "HouseMaxLevel <HouseMaxLevel>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "HousePrice %i\r\n", AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice]); // Construct the line: "HousePrice <HousePrice>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
if (AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] == true) // Check if the house is owned
format(LineForFile, 100, "Owned Yes\r\n"); // Construct the line: "Owned Yes"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Owned No\r\n"); // Construct the line: "Owned No"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Owner %s\r\n", AHouseData[HouseID][Owner]); // Construct the line: "Owner <Owner>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Insurance %i\r\n", AHouseData[HouseID][Insurance]); // Construct the line: "Insurance <Insurance>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
// Save the vehicle-data for every vehicle added to the house
for (new CarSlot; CarSlot < 10; CarSlot++)
// If a valid vehicle-id has been found
if (AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] != 0)
// Get the vehicle id
vid = AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot];
format(LineForFile, 100, "[Vehicle]\r\n"); // Construct the line: "[Vehicle]"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleModel %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Model]); // Construct the line: "VehicleModel <VehicleModel>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Fuel %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Fuel]); // Construct the line: "Fuel <Fuel>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehiclePaintJob %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][PaintJob]); // Construct the line: "VehiclePaintJob <VehiclePaintJob>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleSpoiler %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][0]); // Construct the line: "VehicleSpoiler <VehicleSpoiler>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleHood %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][1]); // Construct the line: "VehicleHood <VehicleHood>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleRoof %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][2]); // Construct the line: "VehicleRoof <VehicleRoof>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleSideSkirt %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][3]); // Construct the line: "VehicleSideSkirt <VehicleSideSkirt>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleLamps %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][4]); // Construct the line: "VehicleLamps <VehicleLamps>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleNitro %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][5]); // Construct the line: "VehicleNitro <VehicleNitro>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleExhaust %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][6]); // Construct the line: "VehicleSpoiler <VehicleSpoiler>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleWheels %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][7]); // Construct the line: "VehicleWheels <VehicleWheels>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleStereo %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][8]); // Construct the line: "VehicleStereo <VehicleStereo>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleHydraulics %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][9]); // Construct the line: "VehicleHydraulics <VehicleHydraulics>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleFrontBumper %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][10]); // Construct the line: "VehicleFrontBumper <VehicleFrontBumper>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleRearBumper %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][11]); // Construct the line: "VehicleRearBumper <VehicleRearBumper>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleVentRight %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][12]); // Construct the line: "VehicleVentRight <VehicleVentRight>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleVentLeft %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Components][13]); // Construct the line: "VehicleVentLeft <VehicleVentLeft>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Color1 %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Color1]); // Construct the line: "Color1 <Color1>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Color2 %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][Color2]); // Construct the line: "Color2 <Color2>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleX %f\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][SpawnX]); // Construct the line: "VehicleVentLeft <VehicleVentLeft>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleY %f\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][SpawnY]); // Construct the line: "VehicleVentLeft <VehicleVentLeft>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleZ %f\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][SpawnZ]); // Construct the line: "VehicleVentLeft <VehicleVentLeft>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "VehicleAngle %f\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][SpawnRot]); // Construct the line: "VehicleVentLeft <VehicleVentLeft>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 1000, "SenhaVeiculo %s\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][SenhaVeh]);
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile);
format(LineForFile, 1000, "ComSenha %i\r\n", AVehicleData[vid][ComSenha]);
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile);
if (AVehicleData[vid][Clamped] == true)
format(LineForFile, 100, "Clamped Yes\r\n"); // Construct the line: "Clamped <Yes>"
format(LineForFile, 100, "Clamped No\r\n"); // Construct the line: "Clamped <No>"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "[/Vehicle]\r\n"); // Construct the line: "[/Vehicle]"
fwrite(HFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
fclose(HFile); // Close the file
return 1;
// This function loads all speedcameras
// Loop through all cameras and try to load them
for (new CamID; CamID < MAX_CAMERAS; CamID++)
// Try to load the file and check if it was succesfully loaded (file exists)
if (CameraFile_Load(CamID) == 1)
// Save the number of camera's that have been loaded, so it can be displayed
return 1;
// This function will load the speedcamera's datafile (used when the server is started to load all cameras)
// Setup local variables
new file[100], File:CFile, LineFromFile[100], ParameterName[50], ParameterValue[50];
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot, MaxSpeed;
format(file, sizeof(file), CameraFile, CamID); // Construct the complete filename for this camera-file
if (fexist(file))
CFile = fopen(file, io_read); // Open the camerafile for reading
fread(CFile, LineFromFile); // Read the first line of the file
// Keep reading until the end of the file is found (no more data)
while (strlen(LineFromFile) > 0)
StripNewLine(LineFromFile); // Strip any newline characters from the LineFromFile
sscanf(LineFromFile, "s[50]s[50]", ParameterName, ParameterValue); // Extract parametername and parametervalue
// Store the proper value in the proper place
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "CamX", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("CamX")
x = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the CamX
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "CamY", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("CamY")
y = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the CamY
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "CamZ", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("CamZ")
z = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the CamZ
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "CamAngle", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("CamAngle")
rot = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the CamAngle
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "CamSpeed", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("CamSpeed")
MaxSpeed = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the CamSpeed
fread(CFile, LineFromFile); // Read the next line of the file
fclose(CFile); // Close the file
// All data has been read about the camera, now setup the camera
SetupSpeedCamera(CamID, x, y, z, rot, MaxSpeed);
return 1; // Return that the file was read correctly
return 0; // Return 0 if the file couldn't be read (doesn't exist)
// This function loads all businesses
// First load the business-time file, this one holds the current business-time which is increased every minute the server if online
// Loop through all businesses and try to load them
for (new BusID = 1; BusID < MAX_BUSINESS; BusID++)
// Try to load the file and check if it was succesfully loaded (file exists)
if (BusinessFile_Load(BusID) == 1)
// Add a pickup and 3DText for this business
// Count the loaded businesses
return 1;
// This function loads the file that holds the current business-time
// Setup local variables
new File:BFile, LineFromFile[100], ParameterName[50], ParameterValue[50];
// Try to load the businesstime file
if (fexist("ServerData/Business/BusinessTime.ini"))
BFile = fopen("ServerData/Business/BusinessTime.ini", io_read); // Open the businesstime-file for reading
fread(BFile, LineFromFile); // Read the first line of the file
// Keep reading until the end of the file is found (no more data)
while (strlen(LineFromFile) > 0)
StripNewLine(LineFromFile); // Strip any newline characters from the LineFromFile
sscanf(LineFromFile, "s[50]s[50]", ParameterName, ParameterValue); // Extract parametername and parametervalue
// Store the proper value in the proper place
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "BusinessTime", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("BusinessTime")
BusinessTransactionTime = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the BusinessTime
// Read the next line of the file
fread(BFile, LineFromFile);
// Close the file
// Return if the file was read correctly
return 1;
return 0; // Return 0 if the file couldn't be read (doesn't exist)
// This function saves the file that holds the current business-time
new File:BFile, LineForFile[100];
BFile = fopen("ServerData/Business/BusinessTime.ini", io_write); // Open the businesstime-file for writing
format(LineForFile, 100, "BusinessTime %i\r\n", BusinessTransactionTime); // Construct the line: "BusinessTime <BusinessTransactionTime>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
fclose(BFile); // Close the file
return 1;
// This function will load the business's datafile (used when the server is started to load all businesses)
// Setup local variables
new file[100], File:BFile, LineFromFile[100], ParameterName[50], ParameterValue[50];
format(file, sizeof(file), BusinessFile, BusID); // Construct the complete filename for this business-file
if (fexist(file))
BFile = fopen(file, io_read); // Open the housefile for reading
fread(BFile, LineFromFile); // Read the first line of the file
// Keep reading until the end of the file is found (no more data)
while (strlen(LineFromFile) > 0)
StripNewLine(LineFromFile); // Strip any newline characters from the LineFromFile
sscanf(LineFromFile, "s[50]s[50]", ParameterName, ParameterValue); // Extract parametername and parametervalue
// Store the proper value in the proper place
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "BusinessName", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("BusinessName")
format(ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessName], 24, ParameterValue); // Store the BusinessName
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "BusinessX", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("BusinessX")
ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessX] = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the BusinessX
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "BusinessY", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("BusinessY")
ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessY] = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the BusinessY
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "BusinessZ", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("BusinessZ")
ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessZ] = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the BusinessZ
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "BusinessType", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("BusinessType")
ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessType] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the BusinessType
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "BusinessLevel", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("BusinessLevel")
ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessLevel] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the BusinessLevel
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "LastTransaction", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("LastTransaction")
ABusinessData[BusID][LastTransaction] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the LastTransaction
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Owned", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Owned")
if (strcmp(ParameterValue, "Yes", false) == 0) // If the value "Yes" was read
ABusinessData[BusID][Owned] = true; // House is owned
ABusinessData[BusID][Owned] = false; // House is not owned
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Owner", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Owner")
format(ABusinessData[BusID][Owner], 24, ParameterValue);
// Read the next line of the file
fread(BFile, LineFromFile);
// Close the file
// Return if the file was read correctly
return 1;
return 0; // Return 0 if the file couldn't be read (doesn't exist)
// This function will save the given business
new file[100], File:BFile, LineForFile[100];
// Construct the complete filename for this business
format(file, sizeof(file), BusinessFile, BusID);
BFile = fopen(file, io_write); // Open the business-file for writing
format(LineForFile, 100, "BusinessName %s\r\n", ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessName]); // Construct the line: "BusinessName <BusinessName>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "BusinessX %f\r\n", ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessX]); // Construct the line: "BusinessX <BusinessX>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "BusinessY %f\r\n", ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessY]); // Construct the line: "BusinessY <BusinessY>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "BusinessZ %f\r\n", ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessZ]); // Construct the line: "BusinessZ <BusinessZ>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "BusinessType %i\r\n", ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessType]); // Construct the line: "BusinessType <BusinessType>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "BusinessLevel %i\r\n", ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessLevel]); // Construct the line: "BusinessLevel <BusinessLevel>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "LastTransaction %i\r\n", ABusinessData[BusID][LastTransaction]); // Construct the line: "LastTransaction <LastTransaction>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
if (ABusinessData[BusID][Owned] == true) // Check if the house is owned
format(LineForFile, 100, "Owned Yes\r\n"); // Construct the line: "Owned Yes"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Owned No\r\n"); // Construct the line: "Owned No"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Owner %s\r\n", ABusinessData[BusID][Owner]); // Construct the line: "Owner <Owner>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
fclose(BFile); // Close the file
return 1;
// This function will load the player's bank account and process transfers that were made to his account when he was offline
// Setup local variables
new file[100], File:BFile, Name[24], LineFromFile[100], ParameterName[50], ParameterValue[50];
new TransferMoney, TransferName[24], TransferTime[24], Msg[128];
new IntrestAmount, OldBankMoney, NewBankMoney;
format(Name, sizeof(Name), APlayerData[playerid][PlayerName]); // Get the playername
format(file, sizeof(file), BankFile, Name); // Construct the complete filename for this player's bank-account
if (fexist(file))
// Send a message to the player to inform him that he has a bank account
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{00BBFF}Voce tem uma conta bancaria. Use {FFBB00}/banco{00BBFF} para logar");
BFile = fopen(file, io_read); // Open the bankfile for reading
fread(BFile, LineFromFile); // Read the first line of the file
// Keep reading until the end of the file is found (no more data)
while (strlen(LineFromFile) > 0)
StripNewLine(LineFromFile); // Strip any newline characters from the LineFromFile
sscanf(LineFromFile, "s[50]s[50]", ParameterName, ParameterValue); // Extract parametername and parametervalue
// Store the proper value in the proper place
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Password", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Password")
format(APlayerData[playerid][BankPassword], 24, ParameterValue); // Store the Password
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Money", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Money")
APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the Money
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "LastIntrestTime", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("LastIntrestTime")
APlayerData[playerid][LastIntrestTime] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the LastIntrestTime
// Process transfer-data
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "[Transfer]", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("[Transfer]")
TransferMoney = 0; // Clear the money variable
for (new i; i < sizeof(TransferName); i++) // Clear the name variable
TransferName[i] = 0;
for (new i; i < sizeof(TransferTime); i++) // Clear the time variable
TransferTime[i] = 0;
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "TransferMoney", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("TransferMoney")
TransferMoney = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the TransferMoney
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "TransferName", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("TransferName")
format(TransferName, sizeof(TransferName), ParameterValue); // Store the TransferName
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "TransferTime", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("TransferTime")
format(TransferTime, sizeof(TransferTime), ParameterValue); // Store the TransferTime
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "[/Transfer]", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("[/Transfer]")
// Add the money to your bank-account that was transferred by another player
APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney] = APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney] + TransferMoney;
// Inform the player that a player has transferred some money to your bank account
format(Msg, 128, "{00BBFF}O Player {FFBB00}%s{00BBFF} transferiu {FFBB00}R$%i{00BBFF}", TransferName, TransferMoney);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
format(Msg, 128, "{00BBFF}em sua conta bancaria {FFBB00}%s", TransferTime);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
// Read the next line of the file
fread(BFile, LineFromFile);
// Close the file
// Process intrest if intrest is enabled for the time the player was offline
if (IntrestEnabled == true)
// Check if the player has any money in his bank account (adding intrest to $0 is useless)
if (APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney] > 0)
// Also process intrest for this bank account for every hour the player was offline
if (APlayerData[playerid][LastIntrestTime] < CurrentIntrestTime)
// Get the old amount of money
OldBankMoney = APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney];
// Count the hours the player was offline and didn't receive intrest yet
for (new i; i < (CurrentIntrestTime - APlayerData[playerid][LastIntrestTime]); i++)
// Calculate the intrest
IntrestAmount = floatround(floatmul(APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney], BankIntrest), floatround_floor);
// Add the intrest to this player's bank account
APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney] = APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney] + IntrestAmount;
// Get the new amount of money
NewBankMoney = APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney];
// Save the CurrentIntrestTime for this bank account
APlayerData[playerid][LastIntrestTime] = CurrentIntrestTime;
// Inform the player that he received intrest on his bank account and how much
format(Msg, 128, "{00BBFF}Voce recebeu {FFBB00}R$%i{00BBFF} de juros na sau conta bancaria", NewBankMoney - OldBankMoney);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
// Re-save the bank account (in case intrest and transfers have been processed)
// Return if the file was read correctly
return 1;
// Send a message if the player doesn't have a bank account
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{00BBFF}Voce nao tem uma conta bancaria. Use {FFBB00}/banco{00BBFF} para criar uma");
return 0; // Return 0 if the file couldn't be read (doesn't exist)
// This function will save the player's bank account
// Setup local variables
new file[100], File:BFile, LineForFile[100], Name[24];
format(Name, sizeof(Name), APlayerData[playerid][PlayerName]); // Get the playername
format(file, sizeof(file), BankFile, Name); // Construct the complete filename for this player's bank-account
BFile = fopen(file, io_write); // Open the business-file for writing
format(LineForFile, 100, "Password %s\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][BankPassword]); // Construct the line: "Password <BankPassword>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "Money %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney]); // Construct the line: "Money <BankMoney>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
format(LineForFile, 100, "LastIntrestTime %i\r\n", APlayerData[playerid][LastIntrestTime]); // Construct the line: "LastIntrestTime <LastIntrestTime>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
fclose(BFile); // Close the file
return 1;
// This function loads the file that holds the current intrest-time
// Setup local variables
new File:BFile, LineFromFile[100], ParameterName[50], ParameterValue[50];
// Try to load the businesstime file
if (fexist("ServerData/Bank/IntrestTime.ini"))
BFile = fopen("ServerData/Bank/IntrestTime.ini", io_read); // Open the intrest-time-file for reading
fread(BFile, LineFromFile); // Read the first line of the file
// Keep reading until the end of the file is found (no more data)
while (strlen(LineFromFile) > 0)
StripNewLine(LineFromFile); // Strip any newline characters from the LineFromFile
sscanf(LineFromFile, "s[50]s[50]", ParameterName, ParameterValue); // Extract parametername and parametervalue
// Store the proper value in the proper place
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "CurrentIntrestTime", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("CurrentIntrestTime")
CurrentIntrestTime = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the CurrentIntrestTime
// Read the next line of the file
fread(BFile, LineFromFile);
// Close the file
// Return if the file was read correctly
return 1;
return 0; // Return 0 if the file couldn't be read (doesn't exist)
// This function saves the file that holds the current intrest-time
new File:BFile, LineForFile[100];
BFile = fopen("ServerData/Bank/IntrestTime.ini", io_write); // Open the intresttime-file for writing
format(LineForFile, 100, "CurrentIntrestTime %i\r\n", CurrentIntrestTime); // Construct the line: "CurrentIntrestTime <CurrentIntrestTime>"
fwrite(BFile, LineForFile); // And save it to the file
fclose(BFile); // Close the file
return 1;