[FilterScript] Basic AutoMessage System

Basic AutoMessage System

Hello! I created a basic AutoMessage System!
This Filterscript is sending auto messages to online players!

You can easily modify the messages in the script!
Also you have to modify the timers! (Default is 1 second so yeah...)

Download: Click here

It is my first filterscript so please don't kill me XD

Nice fs cuz its your frist fs ok ok

Another guy using mediafire ... c'mon, there is 10x better platforms, especially for code. Please use pastebin or some equivalent

well hi.. he post it since(02/04/2016) :V
Marcel download FS and check code :v lazy..

Originally Posted by Younes44
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well hi.. he post it since(02/04/2016) :V
Marcel download FS and check code :v lazy..
Didn't expect it to be old, didn't look at the date, sry ^^

Also i don't want to sites with such stupid ads, sites like that basically force people to use adblocker ... which i think kind of worsens the whole internet

At the guy who bumped ... pls don't do that again.

Lol, I've forgot about my first filterscript xD

EDIT: Meh, I like Mediafire :P


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