20.01.2017, 21:57
Последний раз редактировалось Yaa; 21.01.2017 в 12:40.
Simple Phone System
this is a simple filterscript for a samp server ! this system uses MySQL Saving engine !
there ISP System ! and also phone money (not main monry) !!
and there 2 phone dealers one in LV and second at SF
also there 3 ISP's (San Andreas Telecom, San Fierro Telecom, Las Venturas Telecom)
the feature of every one are different
SAT = 10 $ / sec taking in phone
SFT = 70 $ / sec taking in phone
LVT = 50 $ / sec taking in phone
also prices are different for more informations use it !
PHP код:
/call - Call someone by entring his id / finish call
/phone - See your stats (ISP, Money)
/decline - Deny a call coming to you
/answer - accept a call coming to you
PHP код:
public onCallStarted(playerid, targetid)
public onCallCostTake(playerid)
public onCallFinished(playerid, reason)
How to install ?:
1- Download Phone.pwn from gihub or copy it from pastebin
*Pastebin: past it and save it on Phone.pwn
2- Change
PHP код:
#define MySQL_Host ""
#define MySQL_User ""
#define MySQL_DB ""
#define MySQL_Pass ""
#define MySQL_Port 3306
3- Press F5
4- copy *.amx file to your fiterscripts folder
5- add it in server.cfg (filterscripts phone)
6- Restart/Start server
7- Have fun !
Download Link:
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nYcRvrF2
Github: https://github.com/LVPYassine/Simple...eases/tag/v1.0
if you find a bug feel free to post a reply/pm me or just open issue at github
*SA-MP Team
*BlueG & maddinat0r for MySQL Plugin
*Zeex for zcmd
******* for sscanf
*Incognito for streamer plugin
Have fun !!