Suggestions for future SA:MP updates

Ability to use HTTPS request under HTTP request, at the moment when webserver is forced to use HTTPS you get 301 permanent redirect.

HTTP(index, type, url[], data[], callback[])

I'm keeping a list of my suggestions (some of them I have already mentioned), but I'll go ahead and post it anyway.

» Returning 0 under OnPlayerTakeDamage should negate all damage
Let's say you want to implement your own damage system (more precisely: handle death events your way). Currently, the only reliable way to achieve invulnerability is by setting the player's health very high. The problem with that is, that you can't base a damage system on this, since the health bars will always be shown to be full. Slice bypassed this with showing the player a custom textdraw-based health bar and sending fake health data to all players. That way, a player can have a health bar displaying anything below full HP and still be invulnerable.

» Create3DProgressBar(...)
This is an alternative to returning 0 under OnPlayerTakeDamage. Scripters could just use ShowNameTags(0) to hide all nametags, health and armor bars and attach a 3D progress bar to every player. Player's health could be set to infinity, and the serverside progress bar could display something else.

» "letterspacing" parameter for 3D text labels
This is the second alternative to returning 0 under OnPlayerTakeDamage. This parameter would effectively allow scripters to create character-based progress bars in 3D space. By moving the characters of a 3D text label closer together, one could create the illusion of a progress bar and keep it fairly small in size. With the current letter spacing, in order to make the bars somewhat accurate, they turn out way too long.

» OnVehicleTakeDamage(...) (+ returning 0 negating all damage)
Allows for custom vehicle damage system, e.g. damage unoccupied vehicles, damage vehicles with a passenger but no driver.

» OnTextDrawHover(...) & OnPlayerTextDrawHover(...)
Great for static tooltips.

» Mapicon macros for the chat and for 3D text labels
Adds to visual language.

» AttachMapiconToPlayer(...), AttachMapiconToVehicle(...), AttachMapiconToObject(...)
Of course, this can be done by setting a mapicon to a player's position under OnPlayerUpdate. But why not, considering you could have also argued that way about moving an object?

» Split ShowNameTags into Show/HideHealthBars(...), Show/HideArmourBars(...) and Show/HideNameTags(...)
» Split ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer into Show/HidePlayerHealthBarForPlayer(...), Show/HidePlayerArmourBarForPlayer(...) and Show/HidePlayerNameTagForPlayer(...)

Adds some more customizability.

» SetPlayerCameraMode(...), TogglePlayerCameraMode(...)
Can already be done by attaching the player's camera to an object, but why not have it this way if there already are camera modes?

» GetPlayerLungCapacity(...) and SetPlayerLungCapacity(...)
Underwater gameplay is not exactly where this game shines, but nevertheless, this opens up a ton of new possibilities.

» GetPlayerStamina(...) and SetPlayerStamina(...)
Constantly having to kill myself off to recharge my stamina made me want to ask for this.

» SetPlayerMaxHealth(...)
Health levels from singleplayer with extended health bar size.

» EnableTeargasCoughing()
Why not make it optional?

» EnableVehicleDirt()
Why not make it optional?

A couple of mods objects and several possible extractions

Various destroyed cars for scrapping

I love 14783 and others need


Extract these ammo boxes



That would serve me a lot, hahaha

Originally Posted by MpK
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A couple of mods objects and several possible extractions

Various destroyed cars for scrapping

I love 14783 and others need


Extract these ammo boxes


It would be good if these objects were implemented

Originally Posted by R4
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It would be good if these objects were implemented
Next time if you're gonna "up" something that long, remove the damn quote.

Originally Posted by R4
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It would be good if these objects were implemented
You can remove the img tags in the quote from your message as Helion says. It's a bit annoying to see the same pictures twice ^^

Does someone even read this?

Like this thread has so many good suggestions and nobody replies with "Yeah, we are trying to do X and Y", thinking about "W and Z"...

Originally Posted by MiGu3X
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Does someone even read this?

Like this thread has so many good suggestions and nobody replies with "Yeah, we are trying to do X and Y", thinking about "W and Z"...
That would imply a certain obligation and I don't think they want to put themselves into that position, especially considering development is oriented only towards only a few big servers (which is absolute crap for all others but nobody listens anyway).

I guess the only way to actually achieve something is to get involved with those few big servers and shoot suggestions at them that they hopefully forward to the team.

I think they read the suggestions, even if they refuse to implement them.
I suggested a modular rope bridge to be added among other objects, and the next RC version had it.

I would sugest to make something like when the player goes afk that it is toggleable that he get demage

Originally Posted by MiGu3X
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Does someone even read this?
I don't read it because the thread is too long, if I do read it like now I read the first post edit date and the last page, it looks like -Luis hasn't updated this in 7 months though which is fair enough.

Special Actions for actors.

Hello Santa Claus! I want this objects for Christmas.

Chicken From Homefront:

Chicken From Grand Theft Auto V:

Copy/paste models: Could give a lot of play

Here is a list of cool ideeas(sorry if anyone mentioned them before):
1.Ability to enable/disable casino peds.
2.Ability to modify player stamina.
4.Ability to set gravity individual for each player(this will allow for things like traveling to the moon)
5.It will be nice to be able to bind others keys than the usual ones.
6.If you search a bit in the game files you will discover a lot of unused skins from cutscenes and beta stages. It will be so nice to have more skins added to the game.

Thats all ftm, if i manage to get more ideeas i will make an other post.

GetPlayerSurfingOffsets (

Originally Posted by Zorono
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GetPlayerSkill(playerid, skill); // it gets Player's Weapon Skills's Levels
new lvl = GetPlayerSkill(playerid, WEAPONSKILL_AK47);
         new str[128]; format(str, sizeof(str), "Your AK47 Weapon Skills %d!", lvl);
         SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, str);
Just hook SetPlayerSkillLevel and create GetPlayerSkillLevel.

something like ??
new levels[10][MAX_PLAYERS]; 
SA_SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, skill, level)
   levels[skill][playerid] = level;
   SetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, skill, level);
   return 1;
#undef SetPlayerSkillLevel
#define SetPlayerSkillLevel SA_SetPlayerSkillLevel
GetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, skill)
   return levels[skill][playerid];
but what is the default level for every skill before it get set

Default = max. skill level

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