17.08.2009, 11:14

What is it?
This is a pretty simple FilterScript that when your hp gets lower than 5 (or 10?) your character is froze and goes into the 'crack' animation, then you need to wait to be /revive'd or you can /suicide. If you edit the script you can change the time to wait to be revived or the health needed to go on the floor.
Only have 3 commands, /revivehelp to explain the system, /suicide to kill yuorself when on the floor (cannot use if not on the floor) and /revive to revive someone.
None that i know of, so please say if there is any. I will be making later updates for this when i have time because atm its very basic and i would like to make it more advanced, but do not have the time at the moment.
**coming soon**
Credits go to me for making the system and to:
Blacklite - told me to change tmp to tmpit
Alec rae - He helped me test the script
Version 0.2:Added a /buymedicpack, its only a small update, if i ever make a massive update, i can make a full system with medic packs....